Thursday, April 10, 2014

Spring 2014 Releases from Arbordale Publishing

I recently shared with you the fall releases from Arbordale Publishing (formerly Sylvan Dell Publishing), and now it is time to share their most recent titles released this spring.  Get your wish list ready so you can write these down!

First Fire:  A Cherokee Folktale by Nancy Kelly Allen

In First Fire, Allen shares a Cherokee tale that explains why some animals get their colors and why they have certain physical features.  I personally loved seeing the addition of diversity through a Native American tale in this round of releases.

Click here for more information.

Daisylocks by Marianne Berkes

Berkes, author of The Tree That Bear Climbed and Anybody Home?, brings us a new release following the life of a daisy and the perfect environment for it to thrive.  With a reference to the classic Goldilocks tale, Daisylocks discovers a place too hot and too cold, and so much more.

Click here for more information.

Animal Helpers:  Aquariums by Jennifer Keats Curtis

Curtis returns to her Animal Helpers series with a look at life underwater.  As in her previous books in this series (we have read Wildlife Rehabilitators and Zoos), you can expect wonderful photographs of life in an aquarium as well as great information for young animal lovers in your life.

Click here for more information.

Kali's Story:  An Orphaned Polar Bear Rescue by Jennifer Keats Curtis

Curtis has been busy with not one, but two releases from Arbordale Publishing this spring.  In Kali's Story, we follow the path of an orphaned polar bear after he loses his mother until he finds a new home.  This true story shares Kali's journey through up close and personal photographs, making readers easily fall in love with the young bear.

Kali's Story:  An Orphaned Polar Bear Rescue wins both my daughter's favorite book as well as my own!

Click here for more information.

The Shape Family Babies by Kristin Haas

Haas brings us an unique mathematical tale in The Shape Family Babies.  Mother Rhombus and Father Rectangle are pleasantly surprised with tripletts.  One looks like mom.  One looks like dad.  The third has qualities of both mom and dad, but is something else entirely.  I also found myself pleasantly surprised by how well this geometric tale worked and how much I enjoyed it.  The true indicator of the success though is demonstrated by how frequently my daughter returns to this book again and again.

Click here for more information.

Polar Bears and Penguins:  A Compare and Contrast Book by Katherine Hall

Let's be honest.  Polar bears and penguins are some of the most adorable animals.  In Hall's book, we get a double dose of their cuteness by examining what makes them the same and what makes them different.  I think you might be surprised at what you might discover.

Click here for more information.

The Beaver's Busy Year by Mary Holland

Have you heard the saying, "busy as a beaver?"  I have, but have never really understood why it refers to a beaver.  That mystery has now been solved by Holland's book!  I now know how busy beavers are all year round.  It's actually quite fascinating!

Click here for more information.

A Cool Summer Tail by Carrie A. Pearson

A Cool Summer Tail follows in the footsteps of Pearson's previous book, A Warm Winter's Tail.  Readers discover through the views of animals how they stay cool during the warm summer months.  With little humorous illustrations of humans using animal ways, there is so much to discover throughout this story.

Click here for more information.

Sea Slime:  It's Eeuwy, Gooey, and Under the Sea by Ellen Prager

Sea Slime is all about slime under the sea . . . where it can be found, what it is used for, and what animals utilize it.  As the subtitle suggests, it is eeuwy and gooey, yet quite intriguing.  The illustrations, courtesy of Shennen Bersani, are an added bonus to this tale, making this a fun and informative read.

Sea Slime wins my son's favorite award!

Click here for more information.

Another great round of books from Arbordale Publishing (formerly Sylvan Dell Publishing)!  Don't forget to also click on the links above to check out the supplemental activities to aid in going beyond the books.  These books just keep on giving!

Thank you to Arbordale Publishing for review copies for each of these books.

Have you had the opportunity to enjoy any of these titles yet?  If not, which one(s) are you most interested in?


  1. Sea Slime looks super cute and very clever!

  2. I'm very delighted your son loves Sea Slime! It was a terrific book to illustrate. May I ask what his favorite page was?

    1. Shennen Bersani ... Thank you so much for stopping by! I am humbled and happy to see you here!

      I just asked my son tonight which page was his favorite. He enjoyed many of them, but his favorite by far was the one with the moray eels "because of all the great details!" :)


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