Monday, August 1, 2011

2011 Fairy Tale Challenge: August Selections

It is that time to post the next monthly installment of selections for the 2011 Fairy Tale Challenge.  I am going to keep it simple this month and just invite you to visit the previous challenge link-up posts, not only to check out past selections but also to read some of the great guest posts that have been featured!

So, which check-in has been your favorite so far?  Are you interested in sharing your own fairy tale thoughts?


  1. Sorry to link up so late! I posted most of these in the spring.

    I liked your check-in with the tv links. I'd seen a preview for Grimm, but I hadn't heard about the other one (the name of which is escaping me at the moment). Both premier dates are on my calendar now so that I'll be sure to catch them!

  2. IntrovertedJen ... Ooohh, I can't wait to read these! I only recognize one title, so I'm looking forward to reading what you think of the others! And, I can't wait to see the new shows this Fall! Grimm looks particularly good!


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