Friday, December 31, 2010

2011 Fairy Tale Challenge: January Selections

Special Thanks to my Personal Faery Friend for the Button Art: Ye Olde Faery Shoppe 

Let's start the year out with a bang!  Post your January monthly selections for the 2011 Fairy Tale Challenge, either using permalinks with Mr. Linky or the comment section.

Will you be starting with a classic tale?  Or, are you going to spice things up with a modern tale or recent fairy tale flick?  Need a few suggestions?  Feel free to check out the Fairy Tale Fridays feature for some ideas and suggestions!


  1. My second choice may be more folktale than fairy tale, but the two are so close that I went ahead and included it. I hope that's okay.

  2. carolsnotebook . . . That is 100% completely okay! Loved this selection, by the way!! I can't wait to read it for myself!


Thank you in advance for your comments! I love to hear reader's thoughts and respond to each one within the comment section. Please feel free to subscribe to the comment feed to ensure you can fully participate in the conversations.

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