Tuesday, March 1, 2011

2011 Fairy Tale Challenge: March Selections & A Picturesque Guest Post

March is here and it is time for another link-up for the 2011 Fairy Tale Challenge.  You can find Mr. Linky at the bottom of this post as well as past link-ups for January and February here.  However, before you link up, I would like to introduce you to a very special guest . . . Liz Shipe of Urban Fairy Tale Photography!  Liz recently contacted me regarding a photography tour, featuring none other than photos of some of our favorite fairy tales.  As soon as I saw a few of the sample shots, I knew that it would be a perfect fit for our fairy tale monthly posts.  I fell completely in love with them and I know that you will, too!  

Let us please welcome Liz Shipe . . . 


Hello Tif Talks Books fans!

My name is Liz Shipe, and here’s my guest post that Tif has graciously asked me to do.  I am the artistic director, clothing designer, creator,  and model for the Urban Fairy Tale photography series.  In conjunction with photographer Perry Heideman we’ve created these fresh interesting takes on old classics.  So far we’ve done seven fairy tales since last July.  Here’s a taste of what we’ve done:


“Red Riding Hood”

I thought I’d also answer some of my more frequently asked questions:

1.)    What made you start this project?

Boredom, last summer I got really bored.  I’m an actress by trade, I was working as a telemarketer at the time and I needed something creative to do.  One day I found a craigslist ad looking for a model that could create a more narrative photograph.  So I sent an email off to Perry suggesting to do Fairy Tales as the story is already there.  The next week we did Snow White and the rest is history.

"Snow White"

2.)    What made you decide to do Fairy Tales?

I love, love, love Fairy Tales.  I have since I was a kid.  I almost studied them.  And I don’t just mean Disney, I read Grimms, Hans Christian Anderson, Irish, Scottish, Japanese, English Folk Tales, etc.  I watched Shelly Duvall's Fairy Tale Theatre, Jim Henson's Storyteller, it was and is a little bit of an obsession of mine.  I had always wanted to do a project like this so when the opportunity presented itself I jumped.  However, we’re not limited to fairy tales, we also do notable children’s stories as well, such as The Wizard of Oz and Alice in Wonderland.  And we are discussing Peter Pan for the future.

"Alice Cards"

"Wizard of Oz"

3.)    Do you sew all the clothes yourself?

Short answer: No.  Longer answer, I sewed all of the dresses in the shoots, with the exception of the most recent shoot The Steadfast Tin Soldier.  That dress was provided for the shoot by the Milwaukee Gay Arts Center.  I also don’t make any of the mens wear, except the vest and hat for the Mad Hatter in the Alice in Wonderland shoot.  I think they both turned out great, but after the one go at it I decided never again.  Men's wear is hard and the shoots are a bit of a time crunch, so we just pull things from the model's wardrobe.

"Alice Vest"

4.)    How do you “cast” the shoots, and can I do one?

I ask my friends.  Because I’m a performer I have access to all these wonderfully talented performers who are willing to donate their time. Also, after I post the photos on facebook I get my inbox flooded with requests to do a shoot.  I will use people who ask from time to time.  So theoretically you could, if you A.) Live in the Milwaukee Area and B.) If you fit the shoot we are doing at the moment.

5.)    Where can I get more information?

There are a couple of ways: you can follow the blog that chronicles the series:
You can watch the new Behind the Scenes youtube series of the same name:
Reconstructing Grimm Ep 1: The Steadfast Tin Soldier :

"You Don’t know Jack"

Thanks so much for reading and I hope to get more questions and comments from you guys soon!

Liz Shipe


Aren't these absolutely brilliant?!?  I personally have a difficult time deciding which one is my favorite, but I tend to lean towards Snow White or Wizard of Oz.  Which is your favorite?  And, before you close that window, be sure to click on over to the blog for more amazing shots!


  1. WOW, those pictures are beautiful! So unique. Some are dark and prey on the imagination, others light it up. This is absolutely amazing work. Congrats!!

  2. What a cool idea! I'm partial to the Wizard pic as well ... go figure. And there's one on the blog in the Alice shoot where Alice and the Hatter are face to face with the hat in between that I really like.

  3. I love those photos - so cool!

  4. Those photos are fantastic! Thanks so much for sharing them and the story of their genesis!

  5. Cayla Kluver . . . Isn't it?!? I love it, too!!

    Kristen M. . . . I need to go back and look at the posts. I think I missed that one! BUT, I have subscribed to the site, so I won't be missing anymore!

    carolsnotebook . . . I think so too!

    lisa :) . . . You're welcome! I couldn't pass it up as soon as I saw these pics!

  6. Thanks everyone for your kind words. It's great to know that people enjoy the project. Keep sending me your feedback, I love to know what you guys think!

  7. Lady Grimm . . . It has been so good to have you and your work featured here! If you are interested in more, just holler!

    For those that have not seen the new Peter Pan shots, you definitely want to check them out!


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