Wednesday, June 21, 2017

AUTHOR INTERVIEW: Sara Dobie Bauer & Bite Somebody Else

My dear friends, I am so excited to share a little interview with you today with Sara Dobie Bauer.  Sara wrote one of my favorite reads of 2016, Bite Somebody.  In case you missed it, be sure to check out my review of the book and an interview with her last year.  As of yesterday, her sequel to this fun book, Bite Somebody Else was released and for that reason, she is back today with a different kind of interview ... an interview of her favorites!!

Before we get to that interview though, I have to share how excited I am about this book.  As soon as it was available for pre-order, I got my order in.  I am away traveling for a few days, but I cannot wait to receive my own copy of this book as soon as I return home ... because that ending has had me thinking all year long!!

Now, let's welcome Sara Dobie Bauer, author of Bite Somebody Else!!

Favorite character in Bite Somebody.
Ian, because I have a huge crush on him.

Favorite character in Bite Somebody Else.
Imogene, because she’s all grown up.

Favorite quote from Bite Somebody Else.
“I’m an historian for the Stadium Lamia.” “Sounds like a piece of female anatomy.”

Favorite vampire book.
An ever-changing response. Today? Merrick by Claire Cray.

Favorite vampire movie.
Bram Stoker’s Dracula with Gary Oldman.

Favorite on-screen vampire (actor/actress who played a vampire).
Colin Farrell in Fright Night. He can bite me anytime.

Favorite shot from your latest vampire photo shoot.

(Photo credit: Bill Thornhill.)

Favorite beverage and/or snack to consume while writing Bite Somebody Else.
Dandy Blend. (Look it up. It’s delicious.)

Favorite place to write (vampires or otherwise).
The front window on the second story of my house. When I need a break, I play Rear Window and stalk my neighbors.

Favorite time of day to write.
Early morning.

Favorite pastime when you are not writing.

Favorite book(s) you have read so far this year.
Gun to My Head by Dira Lewis.

Favorite place you share news with your fans.
Twitter. Follow me for fun:


About Bite Somebody Else:
Imogene helped her newbie vampire friend Celia hook up with an adorable human, but now Celia has dropped an atomic bomb of surprise: she has a possibly blood-sucking baby on the way. Imogene is not pleased, especially when a mysterious, ancient, and annoyingly gorgeous vampire historian shows up to monitor Celia's unprecedented pregnancy.

Lord Nicholas Christopher Cuthbert III is everything Imogene hates: posh, mannerly, and totally uninterested in her. Plus, she thinks he's hiding something. So what if he smells like a fresh garden and looks like a rich boarding school kid just begging to be debauched? Imogene has self-control. Or something.

As Celia's pregnancy progresses at a freakishly fast pace, Imogene and Nicholas play an ever-escalating game of will they or won't they, until his sexy maker shows up on Admiral Key, forcing Nicholas to reveal his true intentions toward Celia's soon-to-arrive infant.

Author bio:
Sara Dobie Bauer is a writer, model, and mental health advocate with a creative writing degree from Ohio University. Her short story, “Don’t Ball the Boss,” was nominated for the Pushcart Prize, inspired by her shameless crush on Benedict Cumberbatch. She lives with her hottie husband and two precious pups in Northeast Ohio, although she’d really like to live in a Tim Burton film. She is a member of RWA and author of the paranormal rom-com Bite Somebody, among other ridiculously entertaining things.

World Weaver Press: 


  1. Awesome interview! I'll have to go check out your review now :)

    1. Erica Hatch ... I hope you do! I really had fun with the first book!

  2. Fun interview. I need to check these books out.

    1. Jenny ... I definitely recommend the first one. I will keep you posted on the second.


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