Wednesday, March 2, 2016

BOOK TALK: February 2016 in Review

February flew by.  Maybe it was because it was a short month.  Maybe because life was just so busy that I blinked and it was gone.  I'm kind of thinking it was a combination of the two!  The month started slow in both reading and blogging, but it picked up towards the end and March is already looking better.  Let's hope that it sticks!

Let's take a look at the stats for the month . . .

The TOP POST for the month is really no surprise.  Book Blogger Appreciation Week got me motivated to start blogging on a regular basis again, and it was the kick-off post Books = Me that was the big hit, in visits and comments.

The TOP PIC for the month was a bit of a surprise though.  I thought it would be the pic of my February TBR pile, but instead it was my post about my personal connections to the new release, The Flood Girls!  I loved this little surprise!

My BOOKS READ for the month was a bit longer than last month, though most of them were shorter reads.
  1. The Creature in the Closet:  Lord of the Hat by Obert Skye
  2. Because of Winn-Dixie by Kate DiCamillo
  3. Liesl & Po by Lauren Oliver
  4. Cogewea, The Half-Blood by Mourning Dove

Of this list, my FAVORITE READ was definitely Liesl & Po.  I enjoyed the others, but this one was an audiobook narrated by Jim Dale and was a good story!

I'm hoping for continued consistency in blogging during the month of March.  I also have a small TBR pile to choose from for the month, mostly from my class.  However, I am hoping for much more than this small pile because I have spring break from class and work.  That should hopefully give me lots of good time for reading and writing.  Of course, I also need to tackle some renovations and the dreaded taxes!!  Sounds fun, right?!?

How was your February?  Do you have any highlights that you want to share?


  1. Because of Winn-Dixie was a really sweet book. I've wanted to read Liesl and Po too. February was okay but much busier than I'm used to and a lot of things were up in the air for a while there. They've settled back down but I don't feel like I'm quite settled emotionally. Maybe a good read will help ... ;)

    1. Kristen M. ... I thought it was a sweet book too! Listened to it on audiobook with my kids on a quick road trip. I'm glad to hear things have settled down for you. Keeping my fingers crossed that the emotions settle soon too. That can be the hard part!

  2. Sounds like a good month. I hope your enthusiasm for reading carries into March.

    1. Jenny ... Thank you!! Hoping you have a great March as well!

  3. I loved Liesl & Po, what a fun read!
    Happy March!

    1. fredamans ... It was a fun read! Happy March to you as well!

  4. Good luck with your blogging goals for March!

    1. Kailana ... Thank you! I'm hoping to play a little catch-up with a little time off for spring break!


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