Monday, February 15, 2016

#BBAW (Book Blogger Appreciation Week): Books = Me

I'm back!!!  And, there is no better time to be back than the fabulous Book Bloggers Appreciation Week (BBAW)!  BBAW was an event launched many years ago to show appreciation and love for the book bloggers in our lives.  It was discontinued because of the time and energy that went into it, but a team of fabulous bloggers have been able to bring it back.  Be sure to check out more of the history and the bloggers that have revived it over on The Estella Society.

Anyways, there is a prompt for every day this week to help us commiserate about books and blogging, the very reasons we are here to begin with.  And, today's topic is to come up with a list of books that represent me.  Let me tell you that this was not an easy task, but here you go . . .

Wicked:  The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West by Gregory Maguire
This book remains as one of my all-time favorite books and for so many reasons.  Maguire took a character that so many grew up with and had evil intentions, and gave her a story that helped us to better understand who she was.  I firmly believe that we all have our own stories, and looking at lives from a different perspective is something that I try to live by every day.  And, if I'm being honest, I can probably be a bit of a wicked witch myself some days!

American Born Chinese by Gene Luen Yang
I am a complete sucker for literature and art in all its forms, and this is one story that has stayed with me since I read it last year.  I frequently think about it, remembering the beauty of the illustrations, and cannot get enough of how it can possibly apply to real life and about how we need to embrace who we are.

Misery by Stephen King
I am a huge fan of Stephen King, so I had to include at least one of his books on this list.  Misery is one that I only recently read, but it quickly made it to one of my all-time favorite lists simply because of the complicated way it was written.  King's writing is something that I admire, especially as a wannabe writer myself.  And, for the record, I am not a miserable person, even if 2016 has not been my year!

Blind Your Ponies by Stanley Gordon West
Don't let the title of this book deter you because it is yet another one of my favorite books ever read.  I am a sucker for a good story (all different kinds of them), and this one is one that I can relate to on many different levels.  It is set in the great state of Montana (my home state and the one I currently reside) and speaks to so much of my small town life growing up.

Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling
How can I not include Harry?!?  Afterall, he is my comfort read, my go-to read when I need a pick-me-up.  I believe in magic and imagination and the power of good.  Must I really say more?!?

I really could keep adding books to this list, but I'm going to leave it with these five.  I think the eclectic list alone shares a lot more about me than any single title can.

What books would you say represent you?  Do we have any titles in common?


  1. I love that you included Wicked! It's such a great reminder that life is multifaceted and that it's a good idea to check out the other perspectives in any situation. Plus, you know, flying monkeys.

    1. Words for Worms ... And, you can't go wrong with flying monkeys!! :)

  2. So happy to see Bling Your Ponies getting attention.

    1. I love this typo soo much. The picture I get in my head . . .

    2. Beth F ... Seriously amazing book, bling or not! ;)

      Christy ... Ha! I didn't even notice it at first!

  3. I want to read that ponies book! :) Great job listing all sorts of books. I've just posted mine and I've no idea if I accomplished this task well or not! Happy BBAW!

    1. Suey ... You really do need to! And, I may have some more for you to read!! I am hopefully going to finally visit a few posts myself tonight. I can't wait to read your's!

  4. Harry Potter is very popular today - as he should be. I also love many Stephen King books, although Misery is not one of them. I like his older titles - 'Salem's Lot, The Shining, It - ones like that. :-)

    1. Kay ... Those older titles are definitely classics! The Shining is one of my faves too!!

  5. Welcome back! I haven't read any of these (yes, not even Harry Potter). I better check them out.

    1. Chris bookarama ... Thank you! You definitely need to check these out, then let me know what you think!

  6. I loved Wicked. I picked it up after seeing the musical and was delightfully surprised by how different it was. I've read a few others he has written as well, but it's been a while since I've picked up something by him. I love your list!

    1. Meghan K ... They are so very different, but in unique and wonderful ways! I've read others by Maguire as well, but I need to pick up more. I tend to really enjoy his work.

  7. Harry Potter is an all time favorite with me too. :D Glad to come across your blog through BBAW. :)

    1. SHANAYA TALES ... Welcome to the blog! Glad to meet another Harry Potter fan!

  8. I love opening up one of these posts for a blogger that I feel I know well and agreeing with the books they picked for themselves. Yes, these are the right books for you, Tif. :)
    p.s. We're not doing a very good job of getting that Wicked series read going, are we? Why does life have to be so crazy?

    1. Kristen M. ... I just loved reading this!! And, we really do need to do that readalong going, if I can find my copies. I seemed to have misplaced them in my latest move and can't remember which box I put them in!

  9. >> I firmly believe that we all have our own stories, and looking at lives from a different perspective is something that I try to live by every day.

    That's such an awesome thing to take away from Wicked -- and, honestly, from reading as a general practice. I love your list!

    1. Jenny @ Reading the End ... Thank you so much! :)

  10. I've branched out some, but there was definitely a point where I was consumed by all things Stephen King. Misery is a great choice!

    1. Rory ... I still go through spurts of King! And, now I can add a bit of his son's work to those binges as well!

  11. I loved American Born Chinese. I haven't totally gotten into graphic novels, but I've read a few that were amazing. I'm enjoying all the HP love today!

    1. Shelley ... If you are ever looking for more recommendations on graphic novels, just holler. I can definitely recommend more of my favorites!

  12. HA! I came back just for BBAW, too! I'm glad to see you - your list is superb. I had a student read American Born Chinese last semester and he loved it. Miser is sooo... something else. I think it's especially affecting for writers, you know? And Harry Potter. Duh. ;)

    1. Roof Beam Reader ... Yay!!! Misery honestly blew me away. I never expected it to be so complicated and now that I am writing (or attempting to write) more, I appreciated it even more through the writing eyes.

  13. Hi Tif! *waves* How are you? Glad to have you back...and glad to be back myself.

    Great list! I read Misery many years ago, but it has really stuck with me. One of King's best. I wanted to include him on my list, but I had to relinquish the spot to my fave, Anne Rice. lol

    1. Michelle Miller ... Hello!!! I'm glad you are back as well, and hopefully, feeling much better these days!

      You know, I still have never read Anne Rice I don't think. I need to change that!

  14. Thanks for sharing. By the way, I think I met you first during a BBAW, we were interviewing each other, if I remember. My 5 titles are:

    1. ... That sounds so familiar!!! I will be off to visit your list soon. Can't wait to see which ones you choose.

  15. I loved Wicked so much. I'm glad to see it on your list. Such an important lesson for us all, i think. Not to mention I will never look at Elphaba the same again.

    I really liked Misery too.

    And Harry Potter. My daughter likes to pretend he's her brother. :-) Those stories are well loved in our house.

    1. Literary Feline ... Awesome! And, I love that your daughter pretends Harry is her brother. That makes my day!!

  16. 2016 isn't even a quarter over yet! It might still turn out to be your year.

    1. Tasha B. ... Thank you for that encouragement!! I needed that!

  17. I really need to give Wicked a try! It has been on my mind, but not on my to-read list. I will remedy this.

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE American Born Chinese and anything else by Gene Luen Yang! Such a great book. It is one of my favorite graphic novels.

    I grew up with Harry Potter. I first read him when I was 11 or 12, so I was the same age as him and everything.

    Great list!

    1. Kami ... Of course, I recommend Wicked, but I must warn you that it is not a family-friendly book! If you are okay with that, definitely dive in!

      Yang is amazing, and I must say that you just made me feel a bit old with your comment about Harry Potter!! ;)

  18. I was the only person in my book club who found Wicked any more than tolerable. I'm glad there are readers who appreciate it, and I really like the range of your list!

    1. Florinda Pendley Vasquez ... You know, I have met very few people who appreciate that book as much as I do. Most of them were students in a class I taught about the book!

  19. One day, I plan to read Harry Potter... in Spanish!

  20. Ooh, a King lover! I only got into King this year (I really, really liked IT and found THE SHINING just all right) and am looking forward to diving deeper into his work.

    1. Shaina ... If you ever want my recommendations on King, just holler at me. I like some of the popular ones, but I also like some of the lesser known ones and love to push them!! :)


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