Monday, January 12, 2015

Monday Maunder: Bout of Books 12 Wrap-Up

This past week, I participated in Bout of Books 12, a week-long readathon that is vastly popular.  It's a week filled with lots of activities, but I choose to usually focus on just reading.  In fact, this time around I did not even make a Twitter chat.  BUT, that's okay!  I had a great time catching up on some reading.  Here's a quick round-up of what I was able to accomplish throughout the week.  (You can view my original goals here.)

Minutes Listened:  233 minutes
Pages Read:  449 pages
Books Completed:  1 (The Scorch Trials by James Dashner)

I was pretty happy with these statistics, but I gotta say that I was able to fulfill an even more important goal.  My Feedly Reader had really gotten out of hand over the last month.  I was having a hard time keeping up, commenting on blogs, and simply getting my reader below 500 posts to be read.  In fact, at the beginning of the week, my reader stood at 619 posts.  I knew it was time to do something about it, so I did!  I slowly began weeding through all the posts.  As I progressed, I found myself cleaning up my reader and deleting blogs that I no longer read on a regular basis for various reasons.  I deleted a number of blogs that are no longer active.  And, I closed out Bout of Books on Sunday evening with a completely empty reader!!  Of course, I awoke to more posts to review this morning, but it felt so good to get that cleaned up and hopefully, it will make it easier to stay up-to-date on in the weeks and months ahead.

This week proved to not be all about reading.  I was also able to get a few monthly/yearly wrap-ups written and posted as well:  December 2014 in Review, Books Read in 2014, and The BEST of 2014.  I was hoping to get my goals post for 2015 up, but I have been struggling in finding my word/theme for the year.  I *think* I may have found it, so that should be going live tomorrow.

What a great start to the new year!  With an eventful first full week of 2015 starting with Bout of Books and some pretty decent reads, I can only hope that it reflects all that will come!

Did you participate in Bout of Books 12?  How did you do?  Are you having a good bookish start to 2015?


  1. Wow, I can't even imagine having that many unread posts! Good for you filtering out some of the excess.

    1. Charleen Lynette ... It felt so good, and I'm really hoping it will help in reading them going forward!

  2. Good for you! I've been trying to empty out my reader every weekend so I start the week fresh, and on days like today when I've forgotten my book, I can read more posts to keep it cleaned out! :)

    1. Andi ... That is really such a good idea! I used to spend a good chunk of my Sunday mornings catching up on reading, but that habit disappeared. I think I need to try to re-implement it!


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