Wednesday, January 14, 2015

2015: My Year to Persevere

Over the last couple of years, I have moved to a theme for the year -- one word that I want to live by and remind myself to work towards throughout the year.  In 2013, it was DISCOVER.  In 2014, I worked towards RESOLUTION.  For 2015, I have struggled to find the right word, but now I believe that I have found it . . .


According to, persevere means . . .
to persist in anything undertaken; maintain a purpose in spite of difficulty, obstacles, or discouragement; continue steadfastly.

The latter half of 2014 found me struggling with health issues that trickled into a lot of other areas:  personal and professional responsibilities, reading, writing, and more.  After a lot of conversation, I made the decision to resign from my job, get healthy, and re-evaluate my personal and professional goals.  That's where PERSEVERANCE is really going to come into play.  I need to figure out how to maneuver through all these obstacles and continue to move forward, possibly on a completely different path.

That's a big word, so let's take a look at some smaller goals that I hope to tackle along the way in 2015 . . .

  • GET HEALTHY:  For me, this means being more conscientious about the food that I eat, how I eat throughout the day (shooting for smaller, more frequent meals), and increasing my exercise.  Sadly, my regular workouts were one of the first things that disappeared when I started that job.  These need to return.
  • READ MORE:  I found myself not reading for days on end towards the end of the year.  This is not normal for me and I found that the lack of reading impacted me tremendously.  Reading every day, even if it is for 5 minutes will help to improve my mind and mood.  I also want to continue working on the dozens of series that I am currently in the middle of.
  • WRITE MORE.  I love to write, and I want to do more of it.  I want to get back into freelance writing.  I want to finish a novel.  I want to try my hand at short stories again.  Thankfully, I have an amazing online writing group to help keep me motivated, accountable, and excited!
  • BLOG CONSISTENTLY.  I want to get back into a regular blogging schedule, sharing new posts, reviews, discussions, etc. at least 3 times per week.  I plan to continue my weekly ramblings in Monday Maunder.  I am excited to continue sharing some of my photos through Wordless Wednesday.  I will also share my Literary Link Love once a month.  Beyond that, you can expect book reviews, discussions, participation in bookish events, and anything else that may come to mind.

When I look at all of this, I think it is feasable.  I can do this.  I can and will PERSEVERE.

What is your one word for 2015?  What about your goals?  


  1. This is totally the word Bryan suggested for me for 2015! I agreed, so how very cool! We will persevere together!

    1. Becca Lostinbooks ... Yay!! Let's do it!! (BTW, did you write about this because I totally missed it if you did!)

  2. Good word. I've been wondering (and waiting for, tap, tap, tap ;) ) what your word would be. I'm on board with all four of your goals as I want to do each of those too. Good luck on...well...persevering.

    1. Bryan G. Robinson ... I apologize for causing you to sit in anticipation so long! ;) Thanks for the good luck! I may need it!!

  3. What a bold word!! I know you, like me, had trouble coming up with one. I think this is an excellent choice. I still don't have mind. LOL. It's becoming a thing.

    1. Ti ... It really is a bold word, but it was the only thing that I could think of that really captured what I was going for. Good luck to you on finding your word! I will be watching and waiting for it! ;)

  4. I love the idea of choosing a word for the year, but I can never think of a good one for myself! Your choice is excellent, though.

    1. Jenny @ Reading the End ... Thank you! The first year I did this, it was hard to come up with something. It doesn't really get easier, but I really do enjoy it. It is something that sticks with me throughout the year.

  5. Great word! It's definitely a big word, but there's so much power to it!

    1. Belle Wong ... Thank you! I thought I would need a powerful word to kick me in the rear and get me moving! :)

  6. This is a fantastic word! So many of your goals resonate with me. I may have to use this word next year!

    1. Kimberly L ... I am really excited that I finally found my word for 2015. And, the more I think about it, the more I love it! :)

  7. That is an excellent word. It immediately conjures a can-do attitude too. I love it!

    1. Michelle S ... Thank you! I'm trying to keep the positive in everything! :)

  8. You can go this. :) Good luck to you in reaching all of your goals.

    I think my word for this year shall be ACTION. Simply because I need to take more action in a lot of areas in my life instead of sitting back and letting things happen.

    1. Ally R. ... Thank you! I love the word ACTION too! Good luck in taking action this year!

  9. LOVE your word, Tif :) Yes, you WILL persevere! :) Last year was the first time I'd heard of this. I chose "ACCOMPLISH" and so it will stay this year...and the year after that...and the year after that... :)

    1. ... Thank you so much for the encouragement! And, best of luck to you as well in accomplishing all that you desire! :)


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