Monday, October 21, 2013

Monday Maunder: October 21, 2013


Reading was scattered this week!  Let's start on the audio front ... I was so close to being done with listening to The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater.  Then, it expired!  And, someone had a hold on it, so I wasn't able to renew it!  I was scrambling to figure out what to do because I was loving the narrator (Will Patton) and I HAD to know what would happen next.  Needless to say, I was desperate, and thankfully, I was able to snag a hard copy from the library and finished it this morning!  After being denied a renewal, I sought out my next listen of I Am The Messenger by Markus Zusak.  We will see how long this one will last and if I will be able to finish listening to it.  I didn't realize that I only had it for 7 days and I am not very far!  I might have to find a hard copy of this one too if I can't renew it again!!

Beyond the audio drama, I also finished Fables #10:  The Good Prince and Fables #11:  War and Pieces, both by Bill Willingham.  I am still reading The Ultimate Top Secret Guide To Taking Over the World by Kenn Nesbitt and Ivy and Bean and the Ghost That Had to Go by Annie Barrows with my kids.  I am trying to hold off on picking up anything else until I get a bit more caught up on my reviews, but as soon as I do I will be diving into more Fables.  I completely cleaned out the library for all the remaining volumes I have yet to read!

How was your reading this week?  Did you have any reading or listening drama?


Blogging was a little on the slow side this last week, but I still wanted to draw your attention to a couple of posts that showed up.  The first was a conversation about Scary, Creepy, Disturbing Reads.  I started out with a list generated by my social media readers, but have received so many other recommendations.  I am curious what reads you would add to the list as well!

The second was the wrap-up post for the Doctor Sleep Read-along!  How did it fly by so fast?!?  I am so excited to finally get to chat about the ending to this book and the book as a whole.  It will be one of my faves of the year I think!

I am hoping for more posts this week on the blogging front.  I have some fun reviews coming your way as well as more discussion posts based on some writing workshops I mentioned last week.  Some are already written, most are not.  I will be hitting the library tomorrow to help rectify this.

What is on your blogging radar this week?  Any must-reads?


Writing was really quite slow all around this last week.  I really need to change this up this week, especially if I am going to participate in National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo).  I need to get organized and figure out which project I am going to go with.  I need to get into a routine of writing on said project at least 5 days a week.  I need to do a lot of things, so please feel free to help me kick it in gear!!

What do you need to do this week on your writing?


Life has been crazy this week.  I accompanied my daughter's class to a pumpkin patch.  We attended our first Halloween party of the season.  We went to a college volleyball game for a Girl Scout outing.  My husband and I had to split duties to cover my son's football practice and game and another Halloween party for my daughter.  For most of the week, I was still not feeling well.  However, as I write this, I am feeling better and better.  I might have some good news on the horizon.  Things are definitely looking up and we are having fun!  I call that a win, even if the good news doesn't pan out!

What are your wins for the week?


  1. I didn't realize that Will Patton was such a popular audiobook narrator. I mainly know him from Remember the Titans and a couple other things.

    1. Charleen @ Cheap Thrills ... I didn't either until recently, but he is really, really good! I knew I recognized the name and voice (mainly from Remember the Titans and Armageddon), but it took me seeing his picture to actually place him. I would actually say he is one of my fave narrators I have heard so far!

  2. Glad to hear that you're feeling better! I'm doing better on the reading front, but still working on catching up on my reviews and visiting my blogging friends. Baby steps, but I'm getting there! :)

    1. Alexia561 ... Thank you! Baby steps is all we can ask for some days! There are some days, I just have to take it an hour at a time!! :)


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