Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Share a Story Highlights

Badge art courtesy of
Elizabeth Dulemba
During the first week of March, Share a Story, Shape a Future celebrated five years of their annual literacy event.  It is a week-long event that focuses on literacy for the children in our lives, providing stories, activities, and literary tips and recommendations throughout the week.  It was another great week and I am excited to share with you some of my personal favorite articles from the week.  (Please Note:  ALL of the articles are absolutely fantastic, so be sure to click on over to the daily hosts to check out all the great resources.)

Day 1: Literacy with Infants and Babies – The First Year (hosted by Maria Burel of Once Upon a Story)

Building a Library for Babies: Practical and generic recommendations for building a baby’s library from Terry at Family Bookshelf

Maria Burel of Once Upon a Story confesses “I Don’t ‘Read’ to My Baby.” This one is a MUST read to learn about moving from reading to the broader category of literacy.

Day 2: Playing with Literacy – The Toddler Years (hosted by Terry Doherty at the Share a Story headquarters)

5 Tips for a Successful Trip to the Library with a Toddler:  Jodie Rodriguest at Growing Book by Book shares practical tips for the first (and subsequent) visits to the library.

Susan Stephenson (aka The Book Chook) suggests a Read Aloud Journal, a very fun and inspiring read that all parents should consider doing themselves.

Day 3: Prepping for Preschool – Early Literacy (hosted by Debbie Alvarez of The Styling Librarian)

Marketing Barefoot encourages literacy in ALL its forms with Tiny Writers and Magic Erasers.

Day 4: The ABCs of Reading and Writing (hosted by me of Tif Talks Books)

Dawn Little of Literacy Toolbox talks about creating your own discovery baskets to encourage literacy and background knowledge.

Day 5: Look Mom, I Can Read (hosted by Terry Doherty of The Family Bookshelf)

Think outside the book with Susan Stephenson of The Book Chook with It’s Not Just Books.

What were/are some of your favorite literacy resources for the children in your life?

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