Monday, March 18, 2013

Monday Maunder: March 18, 2013


I finished Cinder by Marissa Meyer last week!  This book took me so pleasantly by surprise and I can't wait to share my full thoughts with you in the near future!  I also started reading Howl's Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones and this one is fun!  March has been a good reading month so far!

Next:  Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver for book club this weekend.

What's on your reading agenda this week?


Blogging was very slow this last week.  See "On Life" for more information.

I did not get my highlights for Share a Story, Shape a Future posted.  I will get those posted this week.

This weekend, I will be participating in Bloggiesta as much as I can.  I will be posting my list of projects later this week.

What's on your blogging agenda this week?  Will you be participating in Bloggiesta?


I got nothing here!

Do you have better writing news in your neck of the woods?


Life was crazy!  We had our last big push before we get our house listed for sale this past week.  Every single night over the last week, I was packing, cleaning, organizing, etc.  On Saturday, we had a garage sale for 5 hours and had a pretty decent turnout.  Unfortunately, we did not get rid of everything we wanted to be rid of, so we took a trip to Goodwill and dropped off lots and lots of stuff.  Then, we packed up a moving truck and moved lots of boxes (many of them books), my big reading chair, and an end table into storage.  By Saturday night, we fell into bed exhausted.

On Sunday, we then worked on some final painting, cleaning, and packing.  This house is even beginning to look like new!

Today, I scheduled that big meeting with the realtor to get the house listed.  By the time I write my next Monday Maunder, this house should be on the market (or very close to it)!  We only have some final cleaning and staging to do, and then we are set!!

Do you have any great life news to share this week?


  1. Nothing new around here, which is a nice break. I needed some down time. I hope that listing your house goes smoothly!

    1. Kristen M. ... Thank you!! I'm waiting for my break that I so desperately need these days!! :)

  2. I know exactly how you feel. Moving is such a big deal, especially if there is a house and realtor involved. Ugh!

    My blogging has been meh, my writing is even more meh, and I filed for divorce on Friday. Yay! Can't wait until my life is truly my own again. =O)

    I think I'm going to host another Sit Down and Write in April. Be watching out for news!

    1. Michelle @ The True Book Addict ... Wow! Best of luck to you as well! Sounds like you need it just as much, if not more, than me!! I will be thinking about you!!

      I'm in for another Sit Down and Write!!

  3. Yeah about your garage sale. You've gotten so much done! As far as me, my schedule is changing again, hopefully for the better. Giving up reading for now and going for audio books. Those seem to fit perfectly into my schedule.

    1. Amateur Novelist ... It really does feel good to purge this time around. And, I really don't need all that stuff anyways!! Good luck with audio!


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