Saturday, February 2, 2013

Mini Bloggiesta: February 2013

Hola!  This weekend marks the first-ever Mini Bloggiesta, which you may have discovered from my challenge post that published yesterday morning!  I will be participating as much as I can this weekend.  As I mentioned earlier this year, I took the month of January off from usual posting to work on updating my blog (a la A Blog Facelift).  This weekend is where I will be wrapping up that project, giving you a full update on Monday during my weekly check-in.  With all this in mind, here is what is on my list of things to do this weekend . . .

  • Catch up on emails.  (My inbox currently stands at only 12!)
  • Catch up on my Google Reader, commenting on as many posts as I can.  (My Reader count at this moment is 75.)
  • Focus on my top menu.  A project that was on my original list that I still have not fully gotten to!
  • Create new button art for my regular posts/features.  Another project from my original list.
  • Write and schedule posts for at least this week.  I am shooting for a minimum of 4.
  • Catalogue books.  A task that is part of my master moving plan!

I will be focusing on the majority of these tasks today because I hope to participate in The Big Game's On Readathon hosted by Jenn's Bookshelves and I do hope to watch the game (okay, really just the commercials!) tomorrow!

I have no idea if I will be able to get to all these tasks, but I am sure going to try!!  Wish me luck and follow me on Twitter (@tiftalksbooks) for regular updates!


  1. My Google Reader is just frightening. How does it fill so quickly?! I actually spent a chunk of time just last weekend trying to catch up. And yeah, then there's the email...oy.

    Have a productive weekend!


    1. Maria ... I hear ya about the Reader! I cleaned mine out a couple of weeks ago and have been trying to read a little each day. It helps to not be so overwhelmed with it all the time. At least, so far, so good! Good luck with the rest of your weekend!! :)

  2. Good luck with getting to some of your blog projects this weekend. I'm participating in Bloggiesta too, and if I check just one thing off my list, then I count it as a success :-)

    Tanya Patrice

    1. Tanya Patrice ... Thank you!! I look forward to hearing how it goes for you this weekend! I will be sure to stop by later!

  3. Replies
    1. Creations by Laurel-Rain Snow ... Thank you! And, same to you! :)

  4. Sounds like you have some big goals. I hope you get(/got?) a lot done!

    1. Carina ... Thank you! So far, I still have a LOT to do!! :)

  5. I'm never caught up with Reader. Never. It's hopeless. Good luck with everything!

    1. Suey ... So far, this year I am doing pretty well! We will see how long it lasts!! :)

  6. I am so late in commenting. Plans are to have one day a week to catch up on email, blog reading, etc. I really do subscribe to that many blogs after my decluttering phase last month. What I have is now manageable. Now all I need is to pick a day!

    1. Amateur Novelist ... No worries! I completely understand! I finally feel like I have a routine/system that helps me to stay on top of blogging tasks and commenting ... at least for now! Good luck with picking your day! :)


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