Monday, May 21, 2012

Monday Maunder: May 21, 2012

Last week, I shared the reason why I have been sparse here on the writing front.  This week, I have decided to be take baby steps to begin getting back to a more regular posting schedule again.  I anticipate it to be slow at first, but I will eventually get back to reading and writing more frequently.  In the meantime, here is a quick lowdown with the usual format . . .


Since I last posted, I have finished reading The Kingdom Keepers #2:  Disney at Dawn by Ridley Pearson as well as The Walking Dead #1:  Days Gone by Robert Kirkham.  I also started reading The Kingdom Keepers #3:  Disney in Shadow by Ridley Pearson.  Reading continues to be very slow.


Just as reading has been slow, so has my writing.  I did, however, work on two pieces that have been the hardest to write in my entire life:  my father's obituary being the first and the second was a poem about my father that appeared in the memorial service program.  I actually wrote this poem more than 10 years ago, but made edits before it was publicly printed in honor of this very special man.

I have been meaning to journal to help release this mix of emotions, but have found it difficult to go there quite yet.  Maybe someday . . .


I want to leave you with two positive notes, since my life has been rough these past few weeks.  The first is the wrapping up of my book drive that was started last month.  I have been pleasantly surprised by the amount of books donated and I really look forward to delivering the books to Shriners Hospital for Children here in St. Louis.  As soon as I do, I will be sure to post lots of details, complete with pictures and even some much deserved thank you's!

The second positive is the announcement of the winner for The President's Vampire.  Congratulations to Michelle of That's What She Read!  The book is being mailed out to you later this week!  More giveaways will be coming your way as well, so be checking back later this week for more information.

I cannot close without sending out a HUGE THANK YOU for all the of the kind words of support that I have received from so many of you.  Each comment and message helps to ease this pain a bit more, knowing that I am not alone and that there are so many of you keeping my family and I in your thoughts and prayers.  



  1. Hmmmm....I've been wanting to read The Walking Dead series by Robert Kirkham because I have one in my book pile. I might stop off at the library and pick up book one! :) How far along are you?

    1. 365andMe ... I just recently finished Book 1 and need to request the 2nd from the library ASAP! I really liked the first one!

  2. Tif, I had good intentions when I said I'd stop off at the library. After posting this, life kicked it in gear. :( As much as I wanted this to be a leisure summer, it won't be. UGH!

    1. 365andMe ... I always tend to have huge expectations of a leisurely summer, but then it never pans out. In a blink of an eye, school is right around the corner and summer is quickly fading. In other words, I completely understand!


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