Monday, May 28, 2012

Monday Maunder: May 28, 2012


Another week has passed and I don't have a lot to show for it.  I am still reading Kingdom Keepers #3:  Disney in Shadow by Ridley Pearson, though I will say that reading has picked up thanks to the long holiday weekend.  I did spend a lot of time reading and it felt sooooo good to get lost in a book and not have to deal with things that are going on in my own life.  I do anticipate finishing this book tonight or tomorrow and will just plan on moving into the next in the series, Power Play.


I am not even going to bother on what I didn't get written this last week!  However, I do want to bring up one little milestone that does have to do with my writing ... this week I will be celebrating 5 years of writing here at Tif Talks Books!  Can you believe it?!?  I sure cannot!!  I do anticipate holding a giveaway for this little achievement, but I am going to wait and hold it in conjunction with Armchair BEA next week!  I do have a couple of other giveaways coming up this week that you can be looking forward to though!


There is not a lot that I can say here on this section this week.  My heart is still heavy with the loss of my father and as much as I know that it will get easier with time, it doesn't necessarily help with the present.  When I left my family, I did bring some of my father's camera gear with me as we both shared a joy of photography.  I have recently gotten out of the habit because of a lack of equipment and time.  I finally took out the camera this last weekend and took a few shots.  That did have a bit of a healing effect, as crazy as it may sound.  In fact, I have debated sharing some of my photos here on the site.  I don't have time to start another blog or move into a different mode of documenting my photos, but I would love to hear your thoughts on this.  I know some of you participate in Wordless Wednesday and I LOVE checking out your photos.  I don't know if my photos will be a weekly thing or in line with this meme.  What do you think?!?

Your turn:  Did you have a good reading and/or writing weekend?  Please share the details!


  1. Five years! OMG--and time keeps on slipping, slipping, slipping into the future...

    As far as photos, do what you feel is right. I post mine on Picasa which Google owns. I always wanted to get into WW, but couldn't be consistent enough to participate.

    As far as reading, I finished SHADES OF GREY and am itching to buy book 2! I need to get on reading my other books though. Now watch I end up on Amazon and downloading

    1. 365andMe ... Crazy, huh?!? It is so weird to think that five years has already passed! Consistency is what I am concerned about with my pictures. My time is already limited as it is, so I think I will just call it something else and post a few every now and then as fillers. As for reading ... you've got me curious if you have actually moved on to something else or just bought the second book?!? :)

  2. Tif, I didn't purchase book two! Hard for me to believe, but I'm back to reading my stack of books. Have no doubt, I will get back to Grey and Ana.

    Oh, and some insight into photography. Although I want to get back into it, I don't feel the creative need. The reason I do (or have done) things in the past (paint, write, blog, start insane projects) is for the creative release. I don't feel that way now. I took a mini course--did I tell you about it? I've been back steadily writing. Not large chunks like I use to do, but slow, more thoughtful writing segments. The course has taught me a different way of doing things...and it's freakin' working. I'm blown away here. :)

    1. 365andMe ... You didn't tell me about the mini course!! I am so excited for you, but I'm curious about the details! If and when you get the chance, you should tease me with a few of them!! :)

    2. The mini course came from the guy I’ve been mentioning, Michael Nobbs from Sustainably Creative. The focal point was how to create the one thing a daily habit. First, let me say that there are people you just seem to connect with in life. I don’t chat with him online and to be honest, I avoid the member’s forum. Strange for me since I use to be such a joiner and a chatty butt. I’ve changed…a little there. ;) I connect with his daily podcast. Each time, he says the right words to keep me going. Maybe it’s because he struggles more so with low energy and he’s working around it. Besides, he’s an artist—love those. And he’s from Wales—love his accent!

      I walked away from the course with how to develop a daily habit of writing in small chucks of time simply by attaching twenty minutes of writing to an already developed habit. Twenty minutes doesn’t seem long and I really didn’t get much done the first week. The second week, I noticed my mind getting in gear before I would sit down. Yesterday, I noticed the habit taking root, because no thought process went into my actions. My mind was already geared up because I was in a routine. I was baffled by the realization of it all. :)

      Anyway, after the course, I signed up as a member so that I could take advantage of future courses and I really like getting a daily (Monday – Friday) podcast.

    3. 365andMe ... I have been reading that website, but I haven't viewed any of the podcasts. I have found myself having a hard time getting focused again on my writing with all that has been going on, so this may be good for me as well. It's like I need to reform my habit. Thanks for sharing this. I am going to explore his site a bit more now!

  3. Just catching up on my Reader after vacation and I wanted to say that I would love to see your photography. If I was better about remembering, I would share more of mine on my site. It's something I'm hoping to get better at since I finally got a camera with manual settings (though I haven't been brave enough to use them yet!). And I am excited for your 5 year blogiversary! Yay!

    1. Kristen M. ... I really think that I am going to share a few shots here and there. Right now, I have been doing a lot of fun things with my kids, but I'm not too keen about posting their mugs here. I'm getting more used to the camera (no manual settings yet though!), and I am going to be trying to branch out a bit more. When I do that, I think I am definitely going to be including a few shots here!

      I forgot to do a post about my blogiversary. I suppose I will eventually get to it, since I do have a giveaway attached to it! :)

  4. I am very sorry for the loss of your father. I will keep you and your family in my prayers.

    1. Jenny Girl ... Thank you so much. I truly, truly appreciate that. It has been a hard month and a half, but support like this go a long way.


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