Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Walrus Report: A Night with J.A. Jance

I forgot to share one of my recent events featured over on the Walrus Publishing site!  With the chaos of these last couple of weeks, it completely slipped my mind to share it with all of you.  As is my usual mantra ... It's better late than never ... I am here to share it with you now.

A couple of weeks ago, I had the opportunity to spend an evening listening to J.A. Jance.  This is an author that I have been wanting to read for years and even have had a number of books on my shelves that have not yet been read.  After listening to her speak, I really look forward to picking up one of her books very soon.  To read all about why, click on over to A Night with J.A. Jance.

Have you read Jance?  Where would you recommend starting?


  1. I've read a couple of the Joanna Brady novels. Probably books one and two, but stopped for some reason. If I remember correctly, I couldn't get into the next book. This was years ago and I haven't read any of her other books. I say books, but this was on audio. I'll be curious to see what you think.

  2. 365andMe ... I have a number of her books on my shelves, so I'm excited to try them out! I will keep you posted!


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