Monday, March 19, 2012

Monday Maunder: March 19, 2012

How can it be Monday already?  I swear that I was just writing one of these yesterday, but apparently it has been a week and I may need to seriously consider a time-turner to make last week much more productive!


Reading this week has been fairly slow, but I did get through one book:  The Game by Diana Wynne Jones (reading for DWJ in March at We Be Reading).  It was a good book filled with a great combination of fantasy and mythology, but that is all I will say for now!  I will save the rest for the review!

Since then, I have picked up Ridley Pearson's Kingdom Keepers.  His latest in the series (#5) will be released in the next couple of weeks, so I thought I had better start it!!

I also picked up Fables #4 at the library this weekend, so I hope to finish that one as well!  Speaking of this graphic novel, I was reviewing my list of books completed this year so far and discovered that the majority of them have been graphic novels!  Who knew that I would fall for the genre so hard!!


I have been writing a bit, but obviously nothing that has been published here!  My husband has been in need of our one working computer these last weeks, so all my writing has been done by hand in my journals.  However, I do have good news on this front, but I will save it for the On Life section!


A couple of exciting pieces of news this week!  First and foremost, we finally got a new computer after seven years!!!  I am so excited about this, though it will not be completely available until probably this weekend.  We need to have wireless installed as well as a Microsoft package.  What exactly does this mean for Tif Talks Books?  It means that I will have no excuse for writing (or the lack thereof) because a computer will always be available for writing!  I can finally get all these reviews typed up that I've been writing by hand!

Secondly, one of the most exciting pieces of all . . . Armchair BEA is coming back!!  In 2010, a group of us founded this event on the fly and last year, we had more than 500 participants from around the world AND were voted the Best Book Blogging Event during Book Blogger Appreciation Week (BBAW).  The organizers (including your's truly!) have already begun detailed planning for Armchair 2012 and I think it is going to be even bigger and better than last year!  Mark your calendars and be sure to subscribe to the website, follow us on Twitter, and/or like the *NEW* Facebook page to stay up-to-date on all the latest Armchair news!

Wishing you all the best this week!  While I work on trying to get my reviews typed up and scheduled this week, tell me what's on your reading and writing agenda!  Maybe it will help to motivate me!!


  1. I've been busy with the kids. No time to write. No time for anything. :( I'm hoping for an easier summer.

    1. I'm so glad to hear that I'm not alone with the lack of time! I'm hoping for an easier summer myself!


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