Sunday, September 25, 2011

Sunday Synopsis: September 25, 2011

This whole weekend I have been sick.  What originally started out as allergies at the beginning of the week has now mutated to something much worse.  UGH!  With that in mind, I am not going to be writing much tonight as all I can think about is going to bed!  However, there are a couple of things I did want to mention, so let's just get down to business!

First, if you did not see the multitude of reviews I posted this week, here is a quick recap:

Second, this week is Banned Books Week!  I will be sharing at least of couple of special items this week in honor of those books that have created such an outcry, including a special partnering with Sheila of Book Journey!  

It's going to be a great week as long as I can get rid of all this sickness!  In the meantime, tell me how you are celebrating Banned Books Week.


  1. I hope you're feeling better, soon, Tif *hugs*

  2. Boo! Z was sick this weekend too. He always gets sick within a couple of weeks after starting school. He made it almost a month this time! ;) Feel better soon!

  3. It is that time of year … when sickness is all around. We are fighting it here too. Hope you feel better soon!

  4. Hope you got plenty of rest and are feeling better now!

  5. Tracy ... I obviously have been out all week, but finally am feeling like I'm on the mend! Thank you! :)

    Kristen M. ... The kids and I do the same thing, but this year it hit extra hard. Hopefully, this is the last of the season!

    Jenners ... Thank you! I hope you are all on the mend as well!

    Alexia561 ... I got LOTS of rest and am finally feeling better! Thank you!


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