Monday, September 19, 2011

Arrrr Pirate Faves!

Did you know that today is Talk Like a Pirate Day?!?  With this special day falling on a Monday, we all know that this week has to start off on a good foot!  Simply give yourself a good ol' pirate grin when you look at yourself in the mirror; instead of greeting everyone with a boring "hello," give them a "Ahoy me hearty;" and spoil yourself with a little pirate gold, even if it is just a chocolate coin wrapped in foil.  And, if you are really feeling the pirate love, you can even change your Facebook language to match your mood by selecting Account Settings, Language, and English (Pirate)!  Why not go all out?!?

And, when you are getting ready to tuck your little matey into bed tonight, don't forget to finish off the day with a story to bring on the pirate dreams.  Here are just a few that I would recommend that have been shared in our home and visited often . . .

How I Became a Pirate by Melinda Long & David Shannon
Beautiful intricate illustrations detailing one young boy's encounter with pirates, both the good and the bad.

1001 Pirate Things to Spot by Rob Lloyd Jones
A family favorite filled with amazing pirate pictures with 1001 hidden pirate objects.  Great for quiet cuddle time!

On a Pirate Ship by Sarah Courtauld & Benji Davies
Imagine a day in the life of a pirate, this perfect read-aloud will get your listeners joining in the action of the story.

Shiver Me Letters:  A Pirate ABC by June Sobel
An alphabet story with a pirate loot twist.  All you need is an "R" to get you started on a wild treasure hunt!

Pirate Pete by Kim Kennedy
My son loved Pirate Pete and the repetitive nature of the story.  Even before you have a reader on your hands, your little one can help you read this one before the end.

If you are looking for more pirate ideas, be sure to check out these other great resources:

Do you have any other resources or book recommendations for fellow pirate lovers?  If so, share the loot!


  1. Shiver Me Letters is one of my favorites - I'll have to check out the others as well! (And hope you have a jolly talk like a pirate day too!)

  2. lisa :) ... Isn't that a cute story?!? I hope you enjoy the others, too!

  3. The first children's story I ever read which featured pirates was the classic Peter Pan - gives a truer image of pirates, too. Tick...tock.

  4. Tracy ... How could I forget that classic?!? I listened to that one on audio last year read by Jim Dale. It was so great!

  5. I so wish I had this post this past summer when my son and his friends were heavily into pirates!! Now that stage has passed (Alas!) and they are into Ben 10. It is hard to keep up with little boy obsessions!

  6. Jenners ... I totally understand! My son's current obsession is Star Wars! Who knows what it will be next week!


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