Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The Good Neighbors by Holly Black

While at the library a couple of months ago, I came across the first book in a trilogy by Holly Black known as The Good Neighbors.  The graphics on the cover intrigued me and since I just finished a previous series by the author, I thought I would give it a try.


In Kin, we meet Rue Silver, an only child in a family full of secrets.  However, those secrets are about to break wide open thanks to the boundaries between worlds that begin to blur.  The graphic novel is created with pure black and white illustrations filled with many unspoken details.  In fact, I read this book almost immediately finishing it and could not wait to continue on to the next installment.


In Kith, we learn more about Rue's mother, Nia and the love between her parents.  The boundaries that were previously blurred are now completely shattered thanks to the plans of Grandpa Aubrey.  We learn of betrayals and new loves as the artwork by Ted Naifeh continues to please and leave the reader fascinated.


In the third and final book, Kind, we see that Rue is now between a rock and a hard place.  Being half human and half faerie, she must decide where her loyalties and love lie.  Battles break out.  Rebellions result.  How will it all end?  Will Rue be able to stay true to both heritages?  I will not give away the ending, but I will say that it completely satisfied me!

The Good Neighbors trilogy is one I truly want to add to my own personal collection.  I loved the story.  I adored the illustrations.  And, the author has won my heart.  I look forward to exploring more of her work very soon!

Have you been exposed to The Good Neighbors?  How about other works by Holly Black?


  1. I read and really enjoyed Tithe, my youngest daughter loves Holly Black, I'll have to text her later and see if she's read these! I know she was currently in between books and these would be great!

    thanks for the review!!

  2. Laura @ The Shabby Rabbit ... You're welcome! Now, I'm curious about Tithe! I'm off to check that one out! Thank YOU! :)

  3. I'm not a huge fan of graphic novels but would be willing to give this one a go. Love Holly Black! :)

  4. Really like Holly's books and didn't know she had any graphic novels, so will have to take a look. Thanks for the heads up!

  5. 365andMe ... I would definitely recommend this one!

    Alexia561 ... Which other ones have you read by Holly Black?

  6. Tif - Holly Black's Modern Fairie Tale series is really good (Tithe, Ironside, Valiant). So is White Cat, and The Poison Eaters. Need to read Red Glove, book 2 of the Curse Workers.

    She's a really good writer, and I have yet to be disappointed with any of her books!

  7. Alexia561 ... I will definitely check these out! Thank you so much!


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