Sunday, March 6, 2011

Sunday Synopsis: March 6, 2011

It has been a week . . . a tiresome, crazy week . . . but a VERY successful one!  Over the last few months, I have been working hard to plan the largest event at my son's school and on Friday night, it went off without too many hitches!  And, to top it all off, my son even won a huge stack of books!  I wanted to get a picture of the stack, but he was so excited that he tore into it and the books are now scattered all over the house!!  I think that is a definite sign of a growing reader and this bookworm mama could not be more proud!  Forget the real picture!  I like the vision of scattered books much better!

I was able to post a couple of things earlier this week, but the latter part of the week was pretty much a dud.  In case you didn't see these posts, they are definite musts!

This week will be a big week here on the blog because it is the annual Share a Story - Shape a Future week, where we celebrate all things literacy!  I have participated every year it has been in existence and I have no intention of abandoning it now.  It is one of my favorite events of the year!  Here's what is on tap this week:
  • The Power of a Book - From the literal power of owning a book and a good story to the intangible power that comes with knowing how to read. 
  • The Gift of Reading - Whether you're looking for a book to excite a reader, want to help someone learn to read or celebrate the "gift" ... it's covered.
  • Unwrapping Literacy 2.0 - With all of the talk of digital literacy, e-readers, etc. What does "literacy" look like in this new century?
  • Love of Reading v. Homework - Do they have to be at odds? We'll talk about ways to help readers at home and at school.
  • The Gift that Keeps on Giving - To wrap up the week we'll be remembering "that moment" when we realized we were a reader or writer and how to celebrate it with others. Lots(!) of interviews this day.
I hope to participate in all the "Writing about Reading" prompts, but all posts will be going up in the evenings for me.  Be sure to check in and see what I have to say!  In past years, I liked to also share my personal favorite highlights from the day's guest posts.  I still plan to do this as well as time permits.  I'm even hoping that this week will get me back in gear and start posting again on a regular basis, especially since life is now starting to slow down for me a bit.

Whew!  That's it for now!  I will be back tomorrow for some great literacy links and chat!  In the meantime, tell me what I've been missing in my semi-absence these days!  


  1. Sounds like you have a very busy week ahead!

    I'm certainly hoping to join in with the Dogsbody discussion - hopefully my library copy arrives this week.

  2. That's great that your event went off so well.

  3. Tracy . . . Yeah!!! Let me know when it arrives! I was going to wait to start it next week, but I can start it earlier if you will be!

    carolsnotebook . . . Thank you!

  4. Sorry, Tif - I checked with the library yesterday - they only have one copy in the county, and though I reserved it weeks ago it's still out on loan - supposed to be due back by the end of the month - but that's no guarantee it will be!

  5. Tracy . . . No worries! Keep me posted on when you get it! We can always chat about it when you do get to it!


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