Sunday, November 7, 2010

Sunday Synopsis: November 7, 2010

This week, I have spent a great amount of my time in catching up, both at work and at home.  I am finally caught up on laundry, household paperwork, and my many work emails.  My personal emails are another story, but I am slowly getting through them.  I really should have been working on them more this weekend along with scheduling some posts, but I simply have preferred to just read and relax!  I have finally finished The Millenium Trilogy by Stieg Larsson, completing The Girl Who Kicked The Hornet's Nest yesterday afternoon.  I really enjoyed this series and hope to have my reviews of all three books posted this week!  I also started The Familiars by Adam Jay Epstein and Andrew Jacobson last night.  It's a very quick read and I should be finishing it in the next couple of days.  I'm hoping for some great reading time this week!  The days are getting shorter, the air is turning cooler, and both are very conducive to reading.  I always thought that I did more reading in the summer months, but I am coming to discover that the colder months are more my reading thing!  Now, let's hope that these cooler months will help me catch up on my reading challenges because the deadlines are coming close as you will see below and I have not gotten very far since the last time I did a check-in!!

What are your reading plans this week?  Do you find your reading picking up this time of year?

P.S.  Don't forget to check out my new Fairy Tale Challenge!!!


  1. great post I have the familiars to read as well.I'm doing Nanowrimo this month so my reading is limited this moth but i'm hoping to have a major read in over thanksgiving. I dont really think seasons affect my reading it's more based on my mood and if what i'm reading is fun

  2. That's a lot of challenges!

    I didn't do any paid work for four months over the summer (just unpaid voluntary work for two charities) so I had more time for reading than I have now. Normally I tend to be more in the mood for reading in the Winter - in the summer I'm usually out more, but it varies hugely, not that this year has been anything like normal. Plus I'm concentrating on reading Anna Karenina at the moment, the last book club book of this year so I'm just reading the one very long book.

  3. FICTION STATE OF MIND . . . I finished The Familiars last weekend! Good luck with Nanowrimo!! I hope it is going well for you!

    Tracy . . . How are you enjoying Anna Karenina? I am really curious to know!! I read it a few years ago. I'm doing horrible at challenges this year. I guess there is always next year . . . :)

  4. I finished it last weekend, Tif! But as I explained on my blog, since it's a bookclub book I won't be posting my review until we've discussed it at bookclub.

  5. Tracy . . . I look forward to reading your thoughts when you do post it! I'm behind in my blog reading again, but hoping to catch up a bit this week!


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