Thursday, March 11, 2010

Writing About Reading: Day 3

I am posting a little late for Day 3, so I am once again only going to answer one question for the Writing About Reading exercise through Share a Story, Shape a Future.  For the full list of questions and to read other's responses, click here.

Where is your favorite place to read?  Do you share your secret spot with your child?

My favorite place to read is in my over-sized, comfy chair, close to my lamp for a little extra light.  In the daytime, I have a wonderful picture window that lets the sunshine in and provides natural light for reading.  My kids will often crawl up and cuddle with me while I am reading.  I encourage them to grab their own book, and we can often be found curled up reading (well, at least for a little while)!!

[image credit: Share a Story Logo created by author/illustrator Elizabeth Dulemba.]


  1. I love this! Comfy reading chairs can make all the difference! We have one in my sons room and it's so nice to be able to gather there to read together. Love it!

  2. The1stdaughter . . . Nothing beats a comfy chair that we can all cuddle up in!! :)


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