Special Thanks to Susan Stephenson of The Book Chook for the art!
I will admit that though we do read non-fiction in our house, it is not a genre we pick up often. Those we do we end up usually loving though! I think this is a great topic for this week celebrating literacy and I have truly enjoyed the variety of fun links this time around. Without further ado, check these out . . .
The Reading Zone shares her secret of how she gets her students interested in the nonfiction genre in Hook, Line, and Sinker: Pairing Nonfiction with Fiction to Reel in Readers. The secret is pairing ever-popular fiction with it's factual counterpart! She has some great examples, many of which I cannot wait to check out for myself!
In Sharing Nonfiction with New Readers, a WEALTH of information is shared! I consider this one a MUST read because it explains nonfiction so thoroughly and in a way that relates to everyone. I even learned the new-to-me concept of the 5 finger rule! Extremely helpful!!
Over at Literacy Toolbox, Real World Reading with Preschoolers shares some unique ideas about sharing non-fiction text with imaginative play. It never dawned on me that take-out menus are a form of non-fiction and can really enhance playtime!
Educating Alice shares A Smattering of Nonfiction that she has found children to love.
More examples of intriguing nonfiction books are shared via The Nonfiction Book Hook at 26 letters.
Over at Kidlit History, misajane goes Beyond the Frontier. She takes the ever-popular Little House series, a series that so many of us grow up on, and shares some books that can go further the stories of history and share additional lives on the frontier.
Maw Books Blog writes about Non-Fiction for Early Readers - What's a Parent to Do? She shares very simple ways to incorporate nonfiction into your reading repertoire! She made me realize that I may just be a bit better with this genre than I had originally thought!! Who knew?!? :) Thanks Natasha!!
Teaching Mama introduces An Everyday Nonfiction: Newspaper Reading. I have noticed that my own son has been browsing the newspaper in the mornings as he sits next to his Dad at the table. This is one I am going to be putting to the test!
Imagination Soup asks . . . Are you a fiction or non-fiction reader? My favorite comment from this article was the reminder that non-fiction books do not need to be read cover to cover, but rather can be browsed or jumped through. This is very good advice!!
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