Sunday, January 10, 2010

Spicing Up The Format!

I am once again playing with my format and layout of my site! I just can't seem to get it just right, but I am definitely getting there! I have always thought my new design in just not quite what I want. I like my new header, but the background just is too plain and based on recent feedback from fellow Bloggiesta folks, they are in complete agreement with me!

For those that are only reading in a reader, I've included some screen shots for you! However, I have recently switched to a 3-column format and encourage you to actually swing by and let me know what you think! Afterall, it is the change in columns that truly prompted this one!!

Anyways, the grey has been a bit boring in my opinion. (And, thanks to all of you who have bluntly agreed! I really do appreciate the honesty!!) So, here is a shot of my current screenshot . . .

I have been playing around with a couple of different options. One of which is to just change the column colors, but stay with the grey background. While working on this one, I have come across two issues . . . (1) I cannot make this change using Internet Explorer and I cannot add Firefox to my hubby's computer at this time. If I end up going this route, I will have to work on this one in my office on my lunch hours. But, then I face (2) . . . What colors should I go with? I feel that I am limited with going with the black and white header at this time and changing the column colors to match. If you think I should go with this option, please share your thoughts on color schemes! I'm having a creative block on this one!!

Then, I got to thinking . . . what if I just spice up the background instead? Here are a couple that I've come up with . . .

Subtle Stripes
(via Cutest Blog on the Block)
Madison Avenue
(via Cutest Blog on the Block)

With this route, I'm not sure if the issue of separating the columns would actually be solved, but it is a start! If I go this route, then I think I need to look into borders separating the columns. If you have a resource for this, please share!

What do you think? I want your honest opinions here!!


  1. I really like your header, so my vote is to keep it! The Madison Ave background is okay, but have you tried changing the background colors for the two side columns instead? Think that would work better than installing borders.

    Just go to the layout page under fonts and colors and you can see what color combination you prefer. I'd say stay in the grey family, just maybe different shades.

    Looking forward to seeing what you come up with! I've been thinking about a new template, but am afraid I'll lose something even after backing everything up. *L*

  2. Alexia561 . . . Thanks for all the feedback! Unfortunately, I'm using a template that does not separate the column colors, so I have to change the template to do so. In order to do that, I have to be using Firefox and my hubby doesn't want that installed on his computer. I'm going to try it on my work computer tomorrow during my lunch hour to see what I can come up with from there!

    What kind of template are you thinking? I may be able to help you there, especially if you want to go 3 column like I have recently done. It's actually super easy and you can preview without saving it just in case! I didn't lose a thing when I converted! Holler if you are interested!

  3. I like the first one the best. But I also prefer templates that don't have the annoying ad that Cutest Blog on the Block has. I know, I'm not being helpful! I'll think about it and get back to you. :)

  4. Thanks trish! I plan on playing with the colors on the borders tomorrow. I may come up with something completely different that I feel more comfortable with too! Right now, I just have not had the wow factor yet either!

  5. Thanks Tif! I really like the three columns, but haven't decided whether or not to actually make the switch to a new template.

  6. Alexia561 . . . I see you've recently announced your changes! I really need to get over there and check it out!!


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