Wednesday, January 17, 2018

BOOK CHAT: Bout of Books Wrap-Up & Winter's Respite Readathon

Bout of Books wrapped up on Sunday, and I'm finally getting a few minutes to share the results.  I ended up sick most of the weekend.  Despite being a bit miserable, I was able to get in a bit more reading over the weekend because I really didn't feel like moving around much.  During the week, I was able to finish two books (The Dragon of the Month Club by Iain Reading and Thrice the Brinded Cat Hath Mew'd by Alan Bradley) and made it about half-way through another (Holidays on Ice by David Sedaris).  In addition, I was able to start a new audiobook of Etiquette and Espionage by Gail Carriger.  I didn't finish as many books as I had hoped, but I was still able to get in some good reading.  I will take it!

In other news, I am going to jump in on the Winter's Respite Readathon.  This readathon actually started at the beginning of the month and will run throughout the entire month of January.  Therefore, I am going to be tracking everything since the beginning of the month.  My original goal for the month was to read 5 books.  Currently, I have completed 4.  Therefore, I'm going to bump that number to 7 for my goal of this event.  I am going to read as I please for the rest of the month.  This could mean that I will dabble in some comics or I may dive back into a bit of Sherlock Holmes.  We will see where my mood takes me!

YOUR TURN:  Did you participate in Bout of Books?  Are you participating in Winter's Respite?  Tell me how your reading is going so far this year!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry you got sick. I’ve managed to avoid getting sick so far this season. Fingers crossed I can keep managing it. Good luck with the rest of the month. You can totally read three more books!


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