Tuesday, October 3, 2017


I'm back!  It's been a while.  More than a month to be exact, and I really had no intention of being gone for so long.  Let me catch you up with what has been going on.

I organized my very own Out of the Darkness Walk to help in bringing awareness to suicide prevention and awareness.  The planning of this event pretty much took over my life, and I could not have done it without my super helpful family by my side and a few friends who stepped up for the day of the event.  I had more than 125 registered walkers, with about 100 in attendance, and we have almost raised $7000.  I call that a success!  I am currently planning to bring the walk back again next year, but I will be spreading the planning over a longer period of time and will have more people helping me this next time around.  The walk is a LOT of work for a single person!

After the event, I crashed.  I got a little sick and slept a lot.

Then, we lost another loved one.  My mother-in-law passed away a couple of weeks ago, and that has just been really, really difficult.  We had to make arrangements, and then we organized a memorial, and we find it just odd that she is no longer with us.  I think it will continue to prove difficult as we approach the holidays.  I have already lost a parent, my father, but a mother is different in its own way as I am discovering.  We are just taking it one day at a time.  Some days are more difficult than others, and we are thankful to crash into bed on those days and fall asleep to start a new day in the morning.

I'm hoping that life is finally slowing down for me a bit now, and I can get back to reading and writing.  With all that was on my plate, I simply have not been reading as much as I would like or writing in general except a few freelance pieces here and there.  I'm hoping that will change this month.  I'm going to start with a little catch-up this week, and then see where it will take me.  I have a ton of books that I want to chat with you about, and a couple of author events that I was able to somehow squeeze into my schedule, as well as a few more bookish things.  I've missed the book community, and I am looking forward to joining in again.

In the meantime, I'm heading to bed a bit early tonight in the hopes of cracking a book!  Wish me luck!

What bookish or non-bookish news do you have to share with me since I last posted? 


  1. I know that life is always full of ups and downs but I'm really pulling for you to have a good streak of ups for a while. <3

  2. I'm so sorry to hear about your MIL's passing.


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