Tuesday, April 25, 2017

WEEKLY WANDERINGS: #SpringHorror Readathon Midway Check-In

A week has passed since I last posted about joining the Spring Into Horror Readathon, so I thought I would take a few moments to share about my reading in that time period.  Before going into my thoughts and additional comments, let's take a look at the daily details.

Monday, April 17
113 pages
12 minutes

Tuesday, April 18
5 pages
119 minutes

Wednesday, April 19
0 pages
23 minutes

Thursday, April 20
10 pages
58 minutes

Friday, April 21
10 pages 
29 minutes

Saturday, April 22
67 pages
121 minutes

Sunday, April 23
17 pages
162 minutes

222 pages
524 minutes (8 hours, 44 minutes)

In addition to these totals, I have completed two books:  1984 by George Orwell and Superheroes! by Laurence Maslon.

So far, not so bad.  Now, because the big 24 Hour Readathon is coming up this weekend, let's see if I can double these numbers by the time this readathon ends on Sunday night.

Are you prepared for the readathon this weekend?  How has your reading been this week?


  1. Replies
    1. Michelle Miller ... Thank you! I don't always feel like it with days like today where I hardly read a thing.

  2. You're doing great! I'm sure the 24hr readathon will help.

    1. Jenny ... I'm hoping so! Plus, I need the little relaxation and escape!!


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