Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Spring Into Horror Readathon 2016

The Spring Into Horror Readathon is in full swing, and I'm a bit late in posting that I am and have been participating!  It began on Monday, April 18 and will run for one full week.  The only catch is that you have to read one horror, mystery, or thriller novel.  It's perfect timing because Dewey's Readathon is taking place on Saturday, and I hope to participate in that one as well (but will post again later this week with updated plans for the day).

What are my plans?  To read as much as I possibly can!!  I have reading to do for my class as I begin to wrap it up.  I have reading to do for two different book clubs.  And, I have reading to do just for fun!  Let's take a look at the books for the week . . .

The King of Plagues is actually my current audiobook read and the book that I am counting as my horror/thriller novel.  I am currently in the midst of reading Green Grass Running Water.  The others I hope to get to by the weekend.

This other beautiful stack of books are picture books (not all pictured!) and some books for my final research paper for my class.  I will be reading these here and there throughout the week.

I will not be setting specific page or time goals for this readathon round.  My goal is to simply read as much as I can, and get through as many as the books pictured as possible.  I will be posting updates via Twitter and Instagram, a quick update for my Dewey's Readathon post later this week, and will share my final wrap-up post early next week.  Life has been very hectic the last few weeks, so I'm hoping to get my reading and writing mojo back very soon!

Are you participating in the readathon this week?  What are your goals and reading plans?


  1. You have a great stack there. Are you taking a children's literature class? I remember when I took mine. It was really enjoyable writing papers on children's books. I'm going back to college in the Fall, if I'm able to get Pell Grants to cover the tuition. I can no longer get student loans because I hit the cap. :(

    Hope you get your reading mojo back and get lots of reading in. Glad you're joining us this week!

    1. Michelle Miller ... I'm taking a Native American Lit class, but I chose to focus on children's lit for my final project. It's been a great class, but I'm glad that I'm done for a bit after this one. Life is just so crazy right now!!

  2. Good Luck! I have not heard of 3 of them but slaughter house 5 I have read. I hope you like it. It was a interesting read.

    1. Shannon McGee ... Thank you! I hope you are having a great week as well.


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