Monday, October 5, 2015

Monday Maunder: September 2015 in Review

Where did September go?!?  I cannot believe how fast time is flying by and how little I am reading and blogging these days!  Let's just take a look at my monthly wrap-up to prove my point.

The TOP POST was actually three-fold, which is amusing considering that I really didn't share much this month.  The most comments appeared on the latest edition of my Bloggiesta task list as well as my monthly wrap-up for August.  However, I think that the post with the most hits SHOULD have received the most comments.  If you have not had the opportunity to check out #30Authors:  Jamie Ford on The Swans of Fifth Avenue, I definitely recommend that you do!

The TOP PIC featured my big news of the month -- moving into my new house and picking out a room that will be devoted to my new library!  Right now, that room is filled with boxes and furniture that belong elsewhere, but I have big plans for this room and I will be sure to share some updates once we get started on making it my own.

My list of BOOKS READ this month was minimal.  It may just end up being my least amount of books read in a month in a long time.
  1. Murder at the Vicarage by Agatha Christie
  2. 13 Days of Midnight by Leo Hunt

Books were definitely not a highlight of my month; moving into my new house was and my time devoted to it and all the changes reflect that.  October will be bringing some fun things though (besides some additional renovations!).  I will be kicking off a month-long event that will be announced later this week.  I am participating in the FrightFall Readathon hosted by Michelle (more of my reading plans coming with that event I just mentioned, and updates will be posted via Twitter and Instagram).  And, most importantly, I will be returning to the college scene as a student for the first time in over a decade!  I am taking an extremely condensed class this month over three very long weekends.  I am excited and nervous and anxious all at the same time!  I am sure that October will fly by even more than September has, but hopefully with more reading and writing in general!

How was your September?  What big plans do you have for October?  


  1. I know I've probably asked before, but what are you taking up in college?

    September was good for me...steadily reading, and hopefully October will be the same, only one book so far, but it's early yet.

    1. Bryan G. Robinson ... I don't think you have asked before because I don't think I have mentioned it until now! I am just taking a class this semester and probably another to get more recent coursework for my license as a school counselor. This time is a combo development and abnormal psychology class for kids.

  2. I can't wait to see more pictures of your house, especially that room devoted to books!

    1. Michelle ... I can't wait to actually get to renovating this room! I have so many ideas and I can't wait to start playing with them!

  3. Lovely room! Happy housewarming! Happy October!

  4. Replies
    1. Charleen Lynette ... I think you were probably more excited than I was! ;)

  5. Three long weekends of school sound exhausting but productive. You'll do great! I'm just looking forward to 24 hour readathon next weekend and then Halloween! Otherwise, I've been in a mood to hibernate lately. ;)

    1. Kristen M. ... I was really hoping to participate in the readathon, but I don't think I will be able to. I may try to read a bit after I get home, but we will see.

  6. Glad to have you with me for the read-a-thon. I'm FINALLY making the rounds!

    Congrats on the new house, and that gorgeous room...and on being a college student. Have fun!

    1. Michelle Miller ... Thank you! It's been a lot all at once, but it has all been good!


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