Friday, October 16, 2015

Literary Link Love: August & September 2015

It has been far too long since I have shared a bit of Literary Link Love.  Honestly, part of this is because I just have not shared much recently in the social media world.  I am hoping to get back to sharing some of my favorite links on a regular basis, and in order to do so, I wanted to ensure that I was all caught up with those links here as well.  It's not much, but the links are still worth sharing.  Enjoy!

Being the Harry Potter fan that I am, I could not help but watch this cool video detailing Snape's life in chronological order.  Of course, I shed some tears.  So, so good!

Did you know that Book Bloggers International started sending a monthly newsletter?  It details our monthly themes, our favorite links from the month, featured giveaways, and much more.  At this time, three newsletters have been released:  August, September, and October.  Take a look and subscribe!

Here's to a great month of sharing more fun bookish links!

What are some of your favorite links that you have read lately?  

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