Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Wordless Wednesday: Belgian Pool

Welcome to Wordless Wednesday!

Check out this beauty, Belgian Pool located in Yellowstone National Park!

For more Wordless Wednesday selections, check out the dedicated blog.

Have you been to Yellowstone Park before?  If so, what was your favorite part?


  1. Beautiful picture! I went to Yellowstone about five years ago, and my favorite thing was an early morning walk past a bunch of beautiful thermal pools like this one, while it was all misty out and there were buffalo grazing nearby. Spectacular!

    1. ... What a beautiful sight! I really believe that Yellowstone is one of the most gorgeous places on Earth. Though I may be biased because I grew up only a few hours away and spent a lot of time there growing up!

  2. Yellowstone is so cool. Great shot.

  3. Besides Old Faithful? :) There some walks that have geysers that go off more often than Old Faithful and look pretty much just as impressive. You can get closer too! I don't remember their names. Mammoth is pretty cool too. Yellowstone is awesome. :)

    1. Suey ... You know, I was so bummed that I missed Steamboat Geyser erupt a couple of years ago but just a few days! That one is not predictable at all, so those who see it are in for a surprise. It's the largest one in the Park! I have always loved Mammoth. It is probably one of my favorite places in the whole Park!

  4. I've never been to Yellowstone, but it looks like an amazing place. Going by this pic, there are a lot of fantastic geological sights. The colors are just gorgeous!

    1. ... It really is an amazing place! I did edit this picture a bit, but it was more to get the colors truer to the real thing. The colors are beautiful!


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