Thursday, March 19, 2015

Dark Places by Gillian Flynn

Gone Girl.  This was the first book I read by Gillian Flynn and it was one that left me with very mixed emotions.  (You can see my review here.)  Despite those feelings, I knew I had to read more because in the end I was impressed with her writing and skill to keep me guessing.  So, I decided to read her novel Dark Places next.

In Dark Places, we meet Libby Day, a young woman with a tragic past and difficult present.  When she was only seven, her mother and two sisters were brutally murdered.  Libby was able to escape, but it was her testimony that would convict her brother in the family's deaths.  Now, more than twenty years later, Libby connects with a secret society that is fascinated with her brother's case . . . and they believe that he is innocent.  Libby needs the money, so she cooperates with them, leading her down a very dark path.

Dark Places is not twisted like Flynn's Gone Girl, but it still provides the reader with a complicated story that left me guessing.  There are times that proved to be difficult to read (Flynn did not skimp on the tragedies or the characters), but she cemented my belief in her talent.  She is good with the dark side of human nature, and for some reason, I want more.

Have you had the pleasure (if that's what you want to call it!) of discovering Flynn's work beyond Gone Girl?  How do you think they compare to the blockbuster hit?


  1. I tried to read this one but could not get past the first chapter. Seemed too dark. Weird for me to say that because I love dark. Plus, I wasn't a fan of Gone Girl so I think I went into it with pissy expectations. LOL.

    1. Ti ... This one was a very dark read. I have a review coming up for Sharp Objects (maybe next week?) and honestly, I think that is my favorite of all her books so far. This one is probably my least favorite. Though it still ranks pretty high in my overall book list.

  2. I still haven't read 'Gone Girl' but I have seen the movie which blew me away! I loved the darkness of the story and the complexity of the characters and I also thought that she showed a lot of understanding of some things in our society, such as the whole 'cool girl' idea! I definitely want to read some of her other books soon! Thanks for your review :)
    Juli @ Universe in Words

    1. Juli Rahel ... You're welcome! I have read Gone Girl, but have not yet seen the movie. I've heard that the ending has changed, so I'm really curious about it. Maybe that should be the movie this weekend!

  3. Couldn't agree more that this book highlights her talent as a writer. She definitely does gritty and character development well. I read this (and Sharp Objects) before Gone Girl... kind of stumbled upon her, and was so impressed. Gone Girl was "meh" if ya ask me.. glad to see you push on to read her others though. Can't wait to hear your thoughts on Sharp Objects - I loved that one as well!

    1. Jenna Papaleo ... I think my review of Sharp Objects is coming next week. A quick hint ... I think it is my favorite so far!

  4. I've read all three of her books, and Dark Places was my least favorite--it was just too disturbing for me, especially towards the end. However, others I know found Sharp Objects more disturbing. I think it just depends on your individual preference. I can definitely agree that she is a fantastic writer--her books are so addicting!

    1. Lori Bree ... Yes!! On everything you said! I agree with you on this one and that it is really very much an individual preference. I have a review coming up soon for Sharp Objects too. At this point, I will read anything she writes!

  5. For me, Flynn's other books were clearly the work of a talented writer (like Gone Girl), but neither of them grabbed me like Gone Girl did. Reading Gone Girl was just such a pleasure, and for the other two books, it was more like a chore. I'm not sure what the difference was -- all three are quite dark! But Gone Girl was easily my favorite.

    1. Jenny @ Reading the End ... Gone Girl just left me frustrated! Not because of the writing though, but because of the ending! I still think about that ending and growl . . . though I know it really made sense, I still didn't have to like it! ;)

  6. I still haven't read any of her work : / , but I do like this cover. What is it about covers like this, with weathered doors and certainly an open lock?

    1. ... They definitely leave you curious, don't they?!?

  7. I still haven't read any of Flynn's books so will keep an eye out for your review of Sharp Objects. I think she might be a little too dark for me, but you've got me curious!

    1. Alexia561 ... She is definitely dark, but her writing is sooooo good. I did double check on when my review for Sharp Objects is scheduled. It's not going to live until early April. Be watching for it!!

  8. I read this, too.

    Although this book and GONE GIRL are different, I think DARK PLACES is every bit as good as GONE GIRL.

    This book is interesting right away. There's no wait of several pages or chapters here, no wondering whether you should give up after page 50.

    I see in DARK PLACES as well as Flynn's other two books that she has a definite style. That is, all three of her books grab your attention on page 1 and tell the story from different points of view while going back and forth in time.

    DARK PLACES should have been the success that GONE GIRL is. Who knows why it wasn't; it really is that good. But I predict that it will be recognized more now when readers of GONE GIRL become curious, as I did, to read Flynn's other books.

    1. techeditor ... I really think that all of her books should be as big of a success. She's talented, no doubt about it. I am so glad that I branched out and read her other books, and I will continue to read her books as new ones come out.

      Totally random ... Sharp Objects was only told from one point of view, right? I don't think that one had multiple points of view like her other two did ... but it worked!


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