Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Wordless Wednesday: All Aboard!

Welcome to Wordless Wednesday!

Today I bring you an old abandoned train located in central Montana, where the trains used to be a vibrant part of the community.  This one sadly is no longer used and has sat here abandoned for decades.

For more Wordless Wednesday selections, check out the dedicated blog.

Have you ever taken a train ride?


  1. As a little girl, I used to ride the train in to town with my dad quite regularly. Trains still make me feel nostalgic.

    Please come share your shot at

    1. NC Sue ... What a fabulous memory! And, shared!

  2. Wow, for some reason I would expect it to look more worn and torn from weather and age, right? There's something about trains that's very compelling...including the Hogwarts Express! :)

    1. ... It is pretty worn, but it definitely is not as bad as some that I have seen. And, I agree that it is compelling, especially the Hogwarts Express!


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