Monday, March 9, 2015

Monday Maunder: Reading and Blogging

Happy Monday!

Last week, I shared my latest month in review, and I had mentioned that I was disappointed in both my reading and blogging during the month of February.  I was really hoping to get caught up on my reviews, get in some good reading, and so much more during the month of March.  So far, there is definitely improvement.  I have been working hard to get caught up on my reviews and posts here at Tif Talks Books.  In addition, I have scheduled a good chunk of posts over at Book Bloggers International.  Blogging is looking up.

Reading is also on the rise.  At the last minute, some great gals got to talking and the #flashreadathon was born.  It was a readathon with no rules and flexible in many ways.  I jumped in with some graphic novels from the library, and as of this writing, I have finished five (5!) books this month.  And, I will be finishing a couple more hopefully this week.

So, what's the plan for the rest of the month?

More reading.  I am planning to jump in on the DWJ March fun.  I still have not decided on which books I will read, but I am very tempted to re-read Howl's Moving Castle and then finish out that series.  Then again, I have so many others on my shelves that I could discover for the first time.  I guess we will see what I decide to pick up once I finish my current read.

More blogging.  Bloggiesta is quickly approaching, and I am so excited for the event being open for a full week this time around.  I have already scheduled posts out into April, but I do have a few more reviews to write and technical aspects of the blog to update.  It will be good timing to continue to work ahead.

WRITE.  It is time that I return to my personal writing projects.  I am returning to my novel.  I am currently participating in a memoir writing workshop at my local library.  And, I have a few more ideas and projects up my sleeve that I want to get to.  It's a perfect time to jump on in!

How is your month going so far?  What's your plan for the rest of the month?


  1. Looks like March has started off with a bang for you! I'm trying to keep things relaxed and loose this month and am working on my TBR pile. Looking forward to Bloggista, but no real other plans. Keep up the great work Tiif!

    Terri @ Alexia's Books and Such...

    1. Alexia561 ... Thank you! And, good luck on having a relaxed month and hitting that TBR. I really need to do that myself.

  2. March is off to a good start...with reading and otherwise. I read a couple of books during the Flash Readathon and have a few others now that I plan to read. IRL, I have several things to look forward to, including going to see my sister, brother-in-law and my five-month-old niece, whom I've only seen once so far, tomorrow.

    1. Bryan G. Robinson ... Yay!! Babies are so much fun ... especially when you can hand her to her mom for those sleepless nights! ;)


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