Tuesday, March 24, 2015

I Hunt Killers by Barry Lyga (Audiobook Review)

Allow me to introduce you to Jasper Dent.  His close friends know him as Jazz.  He appears to be one of your typical teenagers.  He is a smart kid attending the local high school, participating in play practice after school before heading home to complete his homework.  He has a best friend and a girlfriend. BUT, he is far different from the rest of the kids at school.  He was raised by an infamous serial killer, witnessing crimes that no one should have to see, especially a child at a young age.  When another potential serial killer arrives in town, Jazz may become a key piece to the puzzle.  The question is . . . Is he the killer or the ally?

I absolutely loved the idea of this book, as morbid as that might sound.  I could not wait to see if Lyga would be able to follow through.  To put it simply . . . He did!!  I grew to love the characters - the good, the bad, and the crazy.  Jazz is quite the character in and of himself, carrying this story until the very end.  He was brilliant and scary and vulnerable and strong.  It is no wonder that I Hunt Killers made my Best of 2014 list!

I cannot close my thoughts on this book without also mentioning the narrator, Charlie Thurston.  Thurston was the perfect fit for Jazz's tale, but also slipped into character so easily with the others in the story.  His interpretation on Jazz's best friend, Howie was my personal favorite.  I found myself sitting in parking lots, taking the long way home, and finding every excuse I could muster to listen to this book.  I can only hope that Thurston continues to narrate this series.

Have you met Jasper Dent and experienced his chaotic, abnormal life?  What did you think about his story?


  1. I read and liked the first too books and need to get to the last one (Blood of My Blood).

    1. Nise' ... I really need to get my hands on the other books, but I have to finish a few others first. I cannot wait. So good!

  2. This one is in my TBR! I really need to get to it soon.


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