Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Literary Link Love: October 2014

I know that it is no longer October, but alas . . . I got a little behind in my schedule last week, so I'm here to share a little link love a little late!  Here's a list of short goodness for you.  Hope you enjoy!

Looking to add a little book art to your home decorating?  Here are 15 pieces of furniture made out of books!

I can relate to these signs of being a book addict!  "Just one more chapter" or laughing (or crying) while reading a book and getting weird looks or using random slang in everyday conversations or so many more!

Being a book addict, I can also relate to these annoying comments.  Seriously?!?

Looking for a good nonfiction read, especially for Nonfiction November?  This little list of books from the 50 states may be a good place to get you started.

Finally, I left my readers with a fun little literary pumpkin carving.  Personally, my favorite is a toss-up between the Harry Potter and the Poe.  Simply brilliant!

What good links did I miss this month?  Want to share your thoughts on any of these links?

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