Monday, April 14, 2014

Monday Maunder: My Life in Pictures (1)

For today's weekly check-in, I have decided to switch things up a little bit.  I will briefly share my current reading status for those that desire the bookish news, but then I am going to share with you my other hobby.  Let's get to this . . .

Over the last week, I finished The Language of Flowers by Vanessa Diffenbaugh and started reading The Dyerville Tales by M.P. Kozlowsky.  I am also towards the end of Ready Player One by Ernest Cline on audio and am currently reading Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by J.K. Rowling with my kids.

Now for my other hobby ... I have always had an interest in photography.  I started shooting pictures with a 35mm when I was in elementary school, had a good stint after college, but then stepped away from it for a number of years for a variety of reasons.  After my father passed away, I was given a few of his photography things and my passion has been rekindled.  I have been out and about on photography walks, taking little hikes, and discovering the beauty of everyday life and everyday things.  I thought today I would throw myself out there and share a handful of my latest shots.

What are you reading these days?  What are your hobbies beyond the books?  Any other photography fans out there?  Which of these pictures is your favorite?


  1. Yay photography! Your photos are great!

  2. Gorgeous! I'm not a photography person myself, but it's always seemed like something I'd enjoy if I ever had a camera. I guess I worry that it'll just become one more damn thing to keep up with, you know?

    1. Jenny @ Reading the End ... Thank you! I completely understand. Right now, I have the time, but things will be changing again soon!

  3. I love your photos, and the idea of a photography walk! I love taking pictures, but often feel I lack creativity or inspiration. I just need to get out and do it!

    1. Amanda Furman ... Thank you! I feel like I lack creativity too most of the time, but I still get out there. I just keep hoping that I will be inspired eventually!!

  4. Oh hello, you cute little birds! Hmm..I think the bridge pic is my favorite. Not that I know a darn thing about photography but it pleases me :D

    When I was a teen I fancied myself quite the artist. I would sprinkle my mom's spices on the floor and take photos. What a dork. ;)

    Keep up the good work!

    1. Jennifer Hartling ... Thank you! It sounds like you were trying to be a pioneer in photography as a teen. Too bad that didn't work out!! (This just makes me laugh, but also am curious what those photo look like!!)

    2. I think the best was when I took a picture of a lone pair of jeans on the clothesline. That was art! Ha ha ;)

    3. Jennifer Hartling ... It seriously could be!! ;)

  5. Gorgeous pictures! I really love the sky in the first one! I love taking pictures on vacations, but don't take many otherwise. You have a great eye!

    1. Alexia561 ... The clouds were so cool that night!! I hope I at least did it a little justice. Thank you!

  6. The first one is my favorite, I love clouds and trees. Beautiful shots. Barns are yummy, too. My partner is a photographer and gave me one of her old 35mm. I don't really know how to use it yet, but its fun!

    1. Chris Wolak ... I have a tendency to gravitate towards clouds and trees often! I bet your partner could teach both you and me a thing or two. I've been using a camera for years, but I feel like I have learned in just the last six months than in a long time. That could be because I'm making it more of a point these days too!


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