Friday, March 21, 2014

Unwritten #6: Tommy Taylor and the War of Words by Mike Carey

Carey's series, The Unwritten, is one that honestly has left me confused or feeling like I'm attempting to assemble a puzzle without having a sample to work from.  However, it is a story that I have been unable to abandon.

The Unwritten begins with a young man named Tom, the son of a bestselling author.  The main character of these books is named Tommy, and suspicion breaks out that Tom may just be the (not-so) fictional Tommy.  Thanks to the help of his two new friends with paranormal traits, he sets out on an adventure to find the truth behind his father's story.

In Volume 6:  Tommy Taylor and the War of Words, we finally get to learn where Tom/Tommy's powers originate and are sustained.  The pieces are beginning to come together for both the characters in the book as well as for the reader.  The stories are beginning to connect, both with the past and the present.  That puzzle I mentioned earlier is beginning to come into focus.  I can almost see the scene I am supposed to be creating, and it gives me hope for what is to come.

The Unwritten is a complex story, but one that I keep wanting to return to again and again.  It's almost as if something invisible is drawing me back, something I can't see or name, but something that has my curiosity trapped.  I simply cannot get enough and I have no idea why.

Have you read The Unwritten?  How far are you in the series?  Are you just as confused and curious as I am?!?


  1. I'm so far behind in this series! I'm beginning to get the unhappy sense that Mike Carey doesn't have an end game, which is giving me pause -- I loooooove the premise and I've enormously enjoyed the four? five? volumes that I've read, but I do get anxious that I'll pour a ton of time into this series only to be ultimately disappointed when it never wraps up, or wraps up badly.

    1. Jenny @ Reading the End ... You know what really keeps me going with this series? It's the rumor that they are supposed to be doing a crossover with Fables. And, I love Fables. I have no idea how they are going to pull this one off, but I will keep reading for now!

  2. Have never heard of this series before but see that both you and SuziQoregon are reviewing. Good? Perhaps I need to look into reading these.

    1. Mari Reads ... They are interesting, but if you are newer to graphic novels/comics, I would recommend waiting on this one. It's a bit more complicated than the usual.

  3. Enjoyed your review, as I can appreciate being pulled back to a series. Haven't heard of this series, but I think I would get frustrated with this one as I don't like it when a book leaves me confused. Maybe once the series is over and we know for sure that there was a master plan I could give it a look, but I'd hate to start reading and realize it's a Twin Peaks type of series (no master plan).

    1. Alexia561 ... The confusion is what really has kept me reading! I'm determined to figure this puzzle of a story out. Plus, I love all the literary references!


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