Thursday, January 9, 2014

Bout of Books 9.0: Mid-Week Check-In

It is about half-way through Bout of Books 9.0 and I thought I would post a quick update with how my reading is going.  (Click here for my original goals.)  So far, so good ... BUT, I expect my reading to decline for the remainder of the week due to prior engagements.

Pages Read:  489 pages
Books Finished:  4 
List of Books Completed:  
  • The Frozen Deep by Wilkie Collins
  • Jack of Fables #8:  The Fulminate Blade by Bill Willingham
  • Jack of Fables #9:  The End by Bill Willingham
  • Fairest #1:  Wide Awake  by Bill Willingham

From here, I've decided to change up my books a bit.  I will now be picking up From A Buick 8 by Stephen King and will likely finish up the readathon with this book.  If not, then I will move on to Serial by John Lutz.  Both of these are from my personal TBR pile and I decided to focus on a couple of those before returning to my final stack of library books.

How are you doing with your Bout of Books goals?  


  1. I've focused on bigger books for this readathon. For a while I felt like I wasn't making much progress, but the book was a bit slow. Now I've moved onto some new reading. I'm actually on track with my goals, it just felt like I was stalling a bit. Enjoy your next King book! I have a few of his coming up soon.

    1. Andi ... I hope the week went very well for you with those longer reads! I'm curious ... what King books are up next for you?

  2. I've finished two, and have about 20 pages left in a third. Hopefully I'll be able to finish a fourth over the weekend... I like my readathon books to be all self-contained, but I suppose it's not the end of the world if I start another and don't finish it by Sunday.

    1. Charleen @ Cheap Thrills ... I didn't finish my read yesterday. In fact, I didn't get much more read after I posted this! :(

  3. Four books already under your belt! You're doing an awesome job with this read-a-thon! :)

    1. Alexia561 ... Thank you! Good thing the first half of the week went well because the second did not!


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