Saturday, January 4, 2014

Bout of Books 9.0

It is time for another Bout of Books!  I participated in my first Bout of Books Readathon last August and had a great time.  When Bout of Books 9.0 was announced, I hesitated only because I have lots on my plate the latter half of the week this time.  However, I have decided to dive in and see what I can do, especially the first few days.  For more information on the event, here is a blurb from the Bout of Books 9.0 Sign-Up Post . . .
The Bout of Books read-a-thon is organized by Amanda @ On a Book Bender and Kelly @ Reading the Paranormal. It is a week long read-a-thon that begins 12:01am Monday, January 6th and runs through Sunday, January 12th in whatever time zone you are in. Bout of Books is low-pressure, and the only reading competition is between you and your usual number of books read in a week. There are challenges, giveaways, and a grand prize, but all of these are completely optional. For all Bout of Books 9.0 information and updates, be sure to visit the Bout of Books blog. - From the Bout of Books team

As I mentioned above, I do have plans the latter half of the week, so I anticipate the first half to be more productive.  Either way, I leave you with a peek at all the books that I'm hoping to get to.  Most of these are library books that I need to finish before their due dates and ones that I want to finish so I can concentrate on my own TBR mountain.  The only exception is The Frozen Deep, which is one of my very own that I received as a gift just in time for Wilkie in Winter!

The Frozen Deep by Wilkie Collins

Fairest #1:  Wide Awake by Bill Willingham

Jack of Fables #8:  The Fulminate Blade by Bill Willingham

Jack of Fables #9:  The End by Bill Willingham

Stitches by David Small

The Wednesday Sisters by Meg Waite Clayton

The Millionaire Next Door by Thomas J. Stanley and William D. Danko

I also hope to get some good listening in for my current audiobook (as long as I can still get it back since it just expired AGAIN!).

Ready Player One by Ernest Cline

I will post one update here on the blog, probably on Thursday, but will also be sharing updates via Instagram, Twitter, and Tumblr throughout the week.

Are you participating in Bout of Books?  What are your goals for reading during the week?


  1. Let me know what you think of Read Player One. I adored that book.

    1. West Virginia Red ... I will! So far, I love all the 80's references and the narrator (Wil Wheaton)!

  2. Yay! Glad you're participating again! I'm keeping my goals modest and I also have several graphic novels on my potential books pile. They're perfect for readathons. I hope you like Ready Player One - I loved that audio and so did The Hubster.

    1. SuziQoregon ... I'm assuming that your graphic novels are the ones you recently posted on Instagram?!? You have some really good ones if so! I will keep you posted about Ready Player One!

  3. Yes! Bout of Books ftw!

    1. Charleen @ Cheap Thrills ... YES!! I don't know how I missed participating sooner!

  4. These all look great! I think you'll WHIP through The Frozen Deep, for sure. I definitely need to get to Ready Player One this year.

    1. Andi ... I actually decided to start The Frozen Deep last night! I may finish it tonight before Bout of Books even begins! I've only heard good things about Ready Player One and am enjoying what I've listened to so far.

  5. Good luck with the read-a-thon! I usually fail at these, so content myself with playing cheerleader for all my blogging buddies. :)

    1. Alexia561 ... Thank you! I've discovered that I'm much more successful at the week-long readathons. The 24 hour ones I usually fail miserably at!!

  6. Looks like you've got a nice selection of books. I hope you enjoy Bout of Books. It's such a great readathon!

    My Goals & Updates

    1. Stephanie @ Once Upon A Chapter ... Thank you! Same to you!

  7. Yes those are the graphic novels. I finished one today and started another. Hope your having a good reading week so far.

    1. SuziQoregon ... I am so far! I finished up the Jack of Fables series actually last night and I'm anxious to chat with someone about the series! I hope you are getting close to finishing those ones!! ;)


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