Monday, November 18, 2013

Monday Maunder: November 18, 2013


Reading has not moved for me this week!  I am still in the middle of Tell the Wolves I'm Home by Carol Rifka Brunt, Ready Player One by Ernest Cline (audio), and The Lemonade Wars by Jacqueline Davies (with my kids).  The only change is that I am putting Ready Player One on hold because my time expired (this is really becoming a bad habit of mine!).  Instead of hunting down the hard copy, I decided to place a hold on it and wait to get it back.  I want to continue this one on audio with the fabulous Wil Wheaton.  In the meantime, I downloaded Stephen King's The Eyes of the Dragon this afternoon.  It will be a re-read for me, but it has been years since I last read it.  I look forward to revisiting it again!

How is your reading?  What books are you in the middle of these days?


Blogging.  Not a lot to report here this week.  I am officially all caught up on reviews and discussions posts and only have to finalize and schedule three of them.  I don't remember the last time this happened!  This will put me at scheduled posts through the middle of December.  No more procrastinating and excuses for my other writing projects now!

Don't forget to also check out my current giveaway thanks to GoneReading!

How is your blogging?  Are you all caught up on reviews these days?


I really don't want to talk about this one.  I made NO progress since I reported last week.  Between life and procrastination via catching up on blogging tasks, I did not even add one word to my count.  If you are interested, you can visit last week's maunderings for the numbers.  I'm not even going to bother this week to share the details because I am so ashamed.

With my lack of progress, I do tend to question if a novel is the right thing for me.  Why am I avoiding it so much?  Am I just scared?  Am I not meant to write a novel?  In a nutshell, I am feeling a lot of self-doubt in this area at the moment, but I will continue to push through and see what comes of it.

Coincidence or not?  As I sit here writing this, I am also fighting a scratchy throat with some Halls cough drops.  I just noticed the following notes on the wrapper as I opened a new one . . .

Don't wait to get started.

Get back in the game.

Dust off and get up.

Is someone trying to tell me something?

For my fellow writers, how do you combat these feelings of doubt?  What is the best advice you ever received when you started writing?


My life was taken over by the Scholastic Book Fair this last week!  I ended up working a few hours three days last week as well as helping with taking the fair down.  I bought a stack of books for myself, my kids, and for Christmas gifts.  I love watching the kids get so excited about the fair and the books that surrounded them.  I even loved watching the kids come up with their baggies of uncounted change that they probably broke their piggy banks for to purchase their books, though it was not uncommon that they came up with more books than they could afford.  I have so many good memories of the Scholastic Books Fairs when I was a kid and even now as an adult!

However, I am now blaming my exposure to all those kids and their germs for waking up with a sore throat on Saturday morning.  I am still fighting this darn cold with lots of sleep, rest, fluids, etc.  I thought earlier today it was on the winning side when my voice began to disappear.  But, I'm determined to tackle this thing and I'm heading to bed as soon as I hit publish on this very post!

How was your week?  How does the upcoming week look for you?


  1. Congratulations on being all caught up with your reviews! I've been working on my to-do list all week, but have yet to catch up. Guess I read faster than I can write. At least that's what I tell myself instead of admitting that reading is just more fun for me. ;)

    Hope you feel better soon!

    1. Alexia561 ... Guess what?!? I am no longer caught up on reviews! Ha! I just finished two books yesterday, so now I need to do more review writing!!

      Good luck to you on your to-do list!! One thing at a time is all you can do, right?!? :)

  2. It is difficult to keep up so I write my reviews as I am reading and then there is no excuse that they don't get done. :)

    Have a great day.

    Love the Scholastic Book Fairs. My son is grown so I don't go any more.

    Good to see you entered the Guess The Baby Contest.

    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog

    1. Elizabeth ... Thanks for stopping by! I really should take more notes while I'm reading. Some books I do and others I don't. It would make my review writing much easier!

  3. I actually write the reviews as I am reading and then clean them up when I am done.

    A lot easier, but that doesn't work for everyone. :)

    1. Elizabeth ... I am definitely going to give it a try! Won't hurt if it saves me a little time!


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