Wednesday, November 6, 2013

1001 Nights of Snowfall by Bill Willingham

Willingham has created an amazingly elaborate fairy tale world in our modern day times within the pages of his Fables series.  1001 Nights of Snowfall takes a break from the regularly scheduled series to provide a few shorts describing the past histories of the Fables we have come to love.  We get to learn about a special mission taken on by Snow White.  We discover the real history of the Frog Prince.  We peek into the mysterious past of Frau Totenkinder.  We even get a glimpse into the fate of the infamous seven dwarves.  They are all small stories, but far from insignificant as they fill in holes that may be left unanswered in earlier volumes or what may come in the later ones.

Technically, you can read this collection at any time, but as recommended by Kelly of The Written World, this book is a great intermission between Fables: Volumes 8 and Fables: Volume 9.  It is a fun read, filled with tales from humorous to serious to purely entertaining.  Though it serves as a break from Fables, it doesn't break from the talent or the previously created world.  Instead, it only enhances it.

Have you dived into the tales of 1001 Nights of Snowfall?  What did you think?  Which was your favorite?


  1. I loooove this book! The variety of artwork was a winner for me in this format.

    1. Andi ... Me too! But, I just love all the artwork that accompanies Fables in general!!

  2. I love Fables... I still can't believe that Willingham announce the series is ending. SO SAD!

    1. My anxious life ... WHAT?!? I missed that announcement! What did he say? Got any links where I can read more info?

  3. Replies
    1. Rebecca @ Love at First Book ... Ha! No! Not quite that many! The title is actually associated with one of the tales!

  4. I like this book a lot! Actually I think I like it more than I ordinarily would because I picked it up FOR FREE on a sidewalk in Brooklyn one time, because in Brooklyn they just leave books out on the sidewalk for people to take. So I like it because I enjoy the stories, and I like it extra for being free.

    1. Jenny @ Reading the End ... Very nice! I love FREE books, especially if they would be a graphic novel. These things do not come with a small price tag. Most of what I read, I have to get from the library!

  5. I loved this one! The backstories just further add to the richness of the characters. Love this series! BTW, here's the link to the announcement of the end of the series (we still have until 2015, I think):


    1. ... Thank you so much for the link! It makes me sad. This is such a great series. I hate to see it end!

  6. Tif, I don't know the series but recently received a copy of Fairy Tale Comics to review. I think you might enjoy it too!

    1. Susan Stephenson ... Very nice! I just checked it out and it looks fabulous! Will you be reviewing it on your site? I would love to hear what you think when you are done reading it!


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