Tuesday, September 17, 2013

The Doctor Sleep Read-along is Here!!

It is time, time for the official announcement for the Doctor Sleep Read-along!!

Designed by Charleen of Cheap Thrills

Over the last few weeks, Charleen of Cheap Thrills and I have been hosting a read-along for The Shining by Stephen King.  We have been revisiting this horror classic because King is releasing a much-anticipated sequel, Doctor Sleep.  In Doctor Sleep, we will discover Danny after the Overlook Hotel, where his life took him, and how the "shine" has impacted his life.  We will finally get to meet the real adult Danny (despite his grown-up tendencies as a young child in The Shining)!  I cannot wait!

Doctor Sleep is being released on Tuesday, September 24, 2013 -- one week from today!  However, we want to allow participants enough time to get their hands on a copy of the book, so we are kicking off the start of the read-along on Monday, September 30.  Unfortunately, I also have to wait to get my hands on this book, making it difficult to give exact breakdowns for this read-along.  However, I do know how many total pages we are working with, so I have provided you with a general page number to work with in the meantime.  When I post the kick-off post, I will share a more detailed breakdown.  Here is what we have so far . . .

Monday, September 30:  Doctor Sleep Read-along Kick-off!
Monday, October 7:  Discussion #1 (approx. pages 1-180)
Monday, October 14:  Discussion #2 (approx. pages 181-360)
Monday, October 21:  Wrap-up Discussion (total 544 pages)

Let's also cover a few Frequently Asked Questions . . .

How will the read-along work?

You get our own copy of Doctor Sleep and read along with us!  It is that simple!  For each of the dates posted above, Charleen and I will post some general discussion questions to get the conversation rolling.  We encourage you to answer our questions, raise your own, and share your general thoughts as you read.

Do I have to have a blog to participate?

No!  You can share your thoughts with us by commenting on the discussion posts, chatting with us on Facebook, or tweeting as you read via Twitter.  You may also find me chatting about it on Google+ and Instagram.  If you have your own blog, however, we do encourage you to post with us to help spread the Doctor Sleep love!  A linky will be available every week to share with other participants.

If you will be joining the conversation on Twitter, please follow us through the hashtag #sleepalong.  I have loved reading quotes that stand out to other readers, general thoughts, etc. during The Shining Read-along (#shinealong) and I would love to see this continue through the sequel!

What if I can't stop myself from reading ahead of the schedule?

No worries!  (I'm actually concerned about this one myself!!)  In the case that you read ahead of our schedule, just be sure that you post SPOILER ALERT for those that may not be as far as you!  We don't want to ruin the story before other readers get there!

I'm in!  What do I do now?

Let us know by posting on your blog and linking up below OR by leaving us a comment!  Feel free to use the button above, but please give Charleen credit for designing this beauty!

Are you ready and excited for the #sleepalong?!?


  1. This is gonna be great, I'm really looking forward to this book!

  2. All you guys and your Stephen King read alongs! LOL! I have to have him small doses!

  3. Thanks for hosting and so happy to have found your blog as well.

    1. (Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea ... You're welcome and thanks for stopping by! :)

  4. I'm in! I've already preordered my copy and am re-reading The Shining in preparation! so excited to be a part of the readalong!

    Amritorupa Kanjilal @ Rivers I Have Known

    1. Little Girl Lost ... Yeah!! We are currently hosting a read-along right now for The Shining! We are in the final parts of the book, so feel free to dive in and chat with us. Here's the link to the latest check-in post: http://www.tiftalksbooks.com/2013/09/the-shining-read-along-check-in-2.html

  5. I accidentally entered my name twice. can you please remove one?

    Also, lovely website!

    1. Little Girl Lost ... Thank you! I will fix it for you!

  6. (Sigh) This is so tempting, but I just picked up a stack of books from the library and I really don't have the extra time for those. I'll be reading this book, but sadly a little later. Have fun though...I already know you all will...lol.

    1. J. Kaye Oldner ... Bummer! But, keep me posted when you do get to it! I still want to hear what you think!

  7. Most definitely in! :) I will be distracting myself with another book between The Shining and Doctor Sleep...although it will be sitting on my Kindle the entire time. :P Yay!

    1. sowenswrites.com ... Yeah!!! I plan to get in a bit of reading in between as well. We will see how long the distraction lasts and how much the book tempts me from the sidelines! :)

  8. Thanks for hosting. I'm pumped!

    1. Tami ... So glad to have you!! Can't wait to get started!! :)

  9. think I'll be taking part too!

  10. if it helps, the book is split into 4 parts:
    Part 1 1 - 176
    Part 2 179 - 309
    part 3 313 - 413
    Part 4 418 - 482

    (section breaks inbetween explain peculiar page numbering)

    1. Nordie ... Thank you! I just picked up my book, so will probably adjust the specific page numbers and sections for the kick-off post on Monday. This is helpful!!

  11. I'm in! I'll be reading ahead, but I definitely won't spoil anything for other readers. :)

    1. Heather ... Yeah!! So far, I've been able to resist the temptation, but I'm sure it won't last long. I will be surprised if I stay on track and NOT read ahead myself! :)

  12. Such a great idea. Damn my weekend bar-job. I'll be mildly stalking though since I can't wait to get at this title. Have fun everyone!!

    1. The Great Catsby ... I welcome your stalking! Please feel free to jump in on any conversations when you have the time!

  13. really really looking forward to this! I expect to get my preordered copy next week.


    1. Little Girl Lost ... Yeah!!! Glad you are joining us!

  14. I'll be listening to the audiobook. Starting today, right on schedule! Yay!

  15. Unfortunately, I can't get a hold of a copy at the library. There were so many advance holds :-(. Not sure I can afford to buy the ebook. Will have to see how my funds hold out this week. Tennie

    1. Marsha ... Oh no! I hope you are able to get your hands on a copy in the near future. Remember, the beauty of an online read-along, you can join in the discussion at any time you like!! :)

  16. I'm in really pumped for this!!!

    1. jtafroman ... Yeah!!! Glad to have you!!

    2. jtafroman ... The link you posted does not work. It went directly to the Blogger homepage. I have deleted it, but please feel free to add another link to your site!


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