Friday, August 16, 2013

My Readathon Stack!!

As I mentioned last week, I have signed up to participate in two upcoming readathons:


The Dog Days of Summer starts tomorrow and will run for 48 hours; Bout of Books will begin immediately afterwards and run a full week.  I am so excited to get in a good stack of reading!  Here is a peek at what I will be picking from throughout the next NINE days . . .

I don't know if I will be able to get through all of these because it is quite a stack; maybe I will get lucky and end up having to pull something else off my shelf.  Only time will tell.  Here is my plan, however, of what I will be making a priority with this stack . . .
  1. The bottom three graphic novels will come first.  They are due back at the library on Monday!
  2. The next two in the pile are next for an upcoming Montana books feature.
  3. The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks is a book that I will be running an online book group for in a few weeks.  I want to be prepared!
  4. The Grimm Legacy is a borrowed book that I need to get mailed back to a friend.
  5. Finally, I need to just get caught up on the Wimpy Kid series and they are quick reads.

I will be posting updates via Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr.  You can also follow along with all readers using the hashtags #ddsummer and #boutofbooks.  I will post a wrap-up for Dog Days in my weekly update on Monday.  I will post a Bout of Books check-in sometime next week and my wrap-up will be included in my weekly update the following Monday.

Now, I am off to read!!  I may start reading this evening because I am just so excited to dive into these books!

Are you participating in either of these readathons?  What are your goals and intended reads?  (Feel free to leave a link and I will swing by!)


  1. I would love the chance to participate in either readathon, but it is just not in the cards for me these days. Your list looks fabulous though. Have fun!

    1. Michelle S ... I totally understand! You have a LOT on your plate right now! :)

  2. Awesome stack! Definitely looking forward to hearing what you think of Habibi. I just finished the Dog Days of Summer readathon - read a few but didn't exactly make a big dent.

    1. Athira ... I had the same results from the Dog Days of Summer readathon. Now, I'm off to the Bout of Books one. Hoping for better results and a bigger dent as the week goes by! And, Habibi will be my next read!


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