Friday, June 21, 2013

New Discoveries

One week from tomorrow, we load our moving truck and head out to a new state and a new home.  Unfortunately, it is only going to be a temporary home because we will only be there for one year before moving on to (hopefully!) a more permanent one next summer.  Fortunately, this little excursion will be providing me with an opportunity to discover some new things.

Remember at the beginning of the year, I wrote about taking on a theme for the year:  DISCOVER 2013!  This is where the discovery really begins!  Let's take a quick peek at what I wrote in January . . .

DISCOVER reading my way.
Re-DISCOVER my love for blogging.
DISCOVER a new home.
DISCOVER a new career.
DISCOVER a new path in writing.

As I look at this list, I get excited ... and anxious!  I feel like I have been just reacting to so many events in my life over the past few years, and now I have the opportunity to just stop and take a breath.  Life will still be happening around me.  It always will.  BUT, this opportunity is really allowing me a bit of a break.  I am really looking forward to this year to ultimately DISCOVER my new direction in life.  It is time to move on in my career.  It is time to re-focus on my family.  It is time to re-DISCOVER me!

Since I finished my final day of work last month, I have been keeping busy with planning and packing for this move.  The true DISCOVERY has not yet begun.  BUT, it will very soon and I am ready to embrace it ... even if it will be with hesitant arms at times!

Considering DISCOVER 2013, what can you expect here on Tif Talks Books?  Most of the changes will be noticed in August when I finally return to my home after a month of traveling and my children get into the routine of school.  At that time, I hope to be back to posting on a more regular basis, both about reading and writing.  I will not be committing to a set blogging schedule, but I will be keeping you updated.  And, no worries . . . I will be adding a survey in the weeks ahead to get your thoughts and opinions of what you would like to see as well.  Be watching for it and wish me luck!  I guess you will be discovering my new path right along with me!

What do you intend to discover in the remainder of 2013?  Any goals or desires?


  1. I'm interested to see what is ahead for you! Good luck with your trip and your move!

  2. Sounds like fun! You know what I'll be doing for the rest of the year. No adventures

    1. Amateur Novelist ... Of course you will! They will just be a different kind of adventure and you will be creating them!! :)

  3. Fun adventures ahead!! Remember to have fun and relax next week. It makes the whole move so much less painful. Good luck!

    1. Michelle Shannon ... Thanks!! We have tried to get as much packing and sorting done as we can, so hopefully this week will be at least a bit relaxing! Afterall, this weekend is going to be chaos!!

      BTW, the house still has not sold!!!! ARGH!!!


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