Monday, October 1, 2012

Monday Maunder: October 1, 2012

I almost forgot to post my random ramblings this evening!  Never fear ... I am here!!


I am still in the midst of The Passage by Justin Cronin.  I am not sure what I think of this book yet.  I am not blown away.  I am a bit disturbed.  BUT, I am also intrigued enough to continue reading to find out more.  I will keep you posted!

Also on the reading front, I will be participating in the FrightFall Read-a-thon this week hosted by Michelle of The True Book Addict!  I will be mainly working on my RIP Reads, but may throw in a graphic novel if I have the chance!


Writing has not been the best again this week, but I have been doing a little bit.  In fact, I was caught up in one of my freelance pieces before I realized that I forgot to write this very post!  Now I just have to finish revising that one and write a couple more and then some.


For this week, I am going to stick to the blogosphere with two items of note.  The first is that this week is Banned Books Week - a time to celebrate those books that have been challenged or banned through the ages.  I am hoping to have something written and posted this week, so be watching for it!

The second item of note is Bloggiesta, an event that took place over the weekend to help in improving your blog.  I didn't get near as much done as I had hoped I would thanks to a soccer game, birthday party, book club, and the usual stack of laundry.  However, I was able to work on a few things.  I have shared my original list below with the updates in italics.

  • Write and schedule book reviews and discussion posts.  I currently have a list of 25 possibilities, though I may combine a few of those.  I didn't do a single one!
  • Write freelance articles.  My current list currently stands at 3, though one has already been started.  I have almost finalized one.
  • Format and schedule upcoming guest posts.  I currently have 2 upcoming and awaiting finalization!  Still need to do these.
  • Compile Foto Friday pics, including making possible edits as necessary.  I have made edits on 12 and they are ready to be scheduled!
  • Comment on blogs.  I have marked a number of posts that I need to comment on, but have yet to make my comments!  However, I really just need to get more caught up on my Reader.  I did a bit today in preparation for the weekend, so my current number stands at 120.  My Reader now stands at 189, though I did work a bit on this over the weekend.  Unfortunately, the numbers just don't show it!
  • Update my menu.  This is a bigger project that meets the eye!  The largest chunk has been to update the alphabetical index.  I have also been tempted to move this menu to Blogger Pages (it is currently just a simple code).  A little experimentation is needed before I make the move.  Totally avoided this one AGAIN!!

I also should have added exploring the mini challenges to this list, but never did.  I am going to be keeping this list in my blogging folder and keep at it.  Maybe over the next few weeks I can make a bigger dent.

I have written enough into this week's ramblings, so I am going to stop there!  Have a great week of reading and finalizing any Bloggiesta goals!

Tell me:  How did your week go, including Bloggiesta?  Do you have any big reading plans for this week, whether it may be a read-a-thon, banned book, or something else?


  1. Welcome to the read-a-thon, Tif! Glad you are joining me again. Hope you get some of that R.I.P. list tackled.

    1. Michelle @ The True Book Addict ... Thank you for the welcome! So far, the week has not been very productive at all. Thankfully, it ends on the weekend, so I still have time to redeem myself!

  2. My reading plan for this week is to finish Playing Dead , by Julia Heaberlin, then have my husband pick (because I can't decide) my next book from my piles of to-read books.

    1. techeditor ... LOL!! I totally do that every once in a while!! Trying to decide from my piles is just too painful sometimes!! :)

  3. Good luck on getting caught up. As you know, I stay behind on everything. Still...I'm getting organized to complete one major goal this year. And it's a big one. :)

    1. Amateur Novelist ... I don't know why I actually think I can ever be fully caught up! I think it is just a dream!! :)


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