Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Walrus Report: Mo Willems & Ridley Pearson

At the beginning of the month, I had a fabulous book-filled week attending two different events featuring a couple of my favorite authors:  Mo Willems and Ridley Pearson!

Mo Willems.  Who doesn't love this man?!?  Mo is an award-winning author that is truly one of the favorites in my home, for both children and parents!  His humor and his ability to address issues that children face on a daily basis through his unique characters are just a couple of reasons why he is our favorite.  However, actually seeing him in person has made me love him even more.  Click on over to Walrus Publishing to read about my night in Welcome to Saint Louis, Mo!

Ridley Pearson expands his love of words beyond just the younger crowd, writing for audiences ranging from young adult to adult crime novels.  His latest books feature holographic heroes in the world of Disney in The Kingdom Keepers series.  I have previously attended an event with Pearson for an earlier release in the series, but this time he was talking about wrapping up the series in Book V (which is now completed in Book VI because V became too long!) complete with slide show of Disney behind the scenes.  This is one author that I will not tire of seeing and you can read all about why in Bringing Disney Alive With Ridley Pearson.

What has been your experiences with these two authors?  What would you consider your favorites by Willems and/or Pearson?

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