Monday, April 9, 2012

Monday Maunder: April 9, 2012

Happy Monday!


As I write this, I am still reading The Emerald Atlas by John Stephens.  I really wish I wasn't though!  I have had so many interruptions while reading this book, but it is one that I really want to just fall into!  The world built in the mind of Stephens is fascinating and I really want to see what happens to the three siblings.

I have not updated you recently on the reading of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone with my son.  We have finally made it to the last chapter and he cannot wait to finish it!  He has become hooked (though I wonder if some of it is the movie that he gets to watch for the first time once we finish the book)!

I picked up the fourth book in Hill's Locke & Key graphic novel series at the library this week, so I hope to get to that before my next maundering!  And, if I can get a bit more reading time, I think I am going to be returning to The Kingdom Keepers by Ridley Pearson!


I finished a few pieces this evening, some for my freelance gig.  Other than that, I've got nothing!  I didn't even get the reviews typed up for right here at Tif Talks Books.  I hope to remedy that this week!

On a completely different note, I am thinking I will be participate in my first writing challenge starting this month.  I am hoping it is the motivation that I need to get me whipped back into shape!  It is called the 10-Week Writer's Challenge, and it is set to begin on Monday, April 23rd.  As the time gets closer, I will share more information!


The biggest piece of information that I want to share here is my latest endeavor of going beyond blogging and promoting one of the things that I am most passionate about:  LITERACY!  This morning, I launched Spreading Literary Love, in which I have organized a book drive for my local Shriners Hospital for Children to help in expanding their patient and family library.  I hope this is my first of many philanthropic endeavors and I encourage you to click on over to the original article for more information and please help to spread the word!

Your Turn:  Share the latest in your literary world!


  1. Wow, the book drive sounds rewarding. I miss doing fun stuff like that. That said, I'll get back to it again one day. :)

    Now about the Writer's Challenge. I am so blasted excited about this. My goal, which I think I mentioned, will be to simply do one thing a day for ten weeks. My hope is to get the writing habit developed again.

    1. I am so excited about the Writer's Challenge too! I'm hoping to actually get organized for it this weekend, so I can actually accomplish something for the challenge. My husband swears that I spend more time organizing for things than I actually doing!! :)

    2. Well, I'm a believer in planning. Poor planning has been the death of many projects. :)


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