Sunday, November 13, 2011

Sunday Synopsis: November 13, 2011

Another Sunday and another week closer to Thanksgiving!  I cannot tell you how excited I am for a very long weekend, to just hang out with my kids and my husband, reading as much as I can, and watching movies.  I have been so busy at work that I come home completely exhausted.  This last week was better, this week will be even better, and next week will be bliss!  I'm even tempted to have a Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings movie-thon!

Anyways, let's talk books!  I have been reading some books from my past these days, revisiting one of my favorite childhood authors, Christopher Pike.  It has been fun to re-read these little books!  I definitely do not enjoy them as much as I did back in the day, but they are quick, entertaining reads to say the least.  I'm hoping to finish up a couple more this week before moving on to something else.  I'm still deciding on the something else at this point!

I am super excited for Tuesday night this week!  I get to attend an author event for one of my all-time favorite authors ... Gregory Maguire!!!!  I have met the author before about ten years ago, but my excitement has not waned for him one bit!  I feel like such a groupie!  This is definitely going to help me get through this week!!

Other than that, I really don't have much else to write about tonight.  I've been working on catching up on things around the house, such as laundry, raking, etc. -- nothing exciting!  That will be changing very soon though!

What are you reading this week?  Do you have any exciting plans coming your way?


  1. Have fun at the Gregory Maguire event! Sounds like fun!

  2. Alexia561 ... Thank you! I'm so excited for this one!!! :)

  3. That's so exciting that you get to meet Gregory Maguire again! I guess I missed his Seattle event. Things have just been so crazy that I forgot to look at his schedule. :P Oh well. I'm sure he will be writing for many years to come!

  4. Kristen M. ... It was so amazing!!! That man is simply brilliant!


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